~ October
2015 ~
November ►
October 1, 2012
Tokyo hospital for sale, will dispatch its doctors to
Fukushima to treat workers at Daichi and DAINI — Tokyo
hospital owned by… Tepco
October 1, 2013
Thousands in Japan reported to be suffering massive and
recurring nosebleeds in recent days — Gundersen: Japan
doctors tell us, “We know our patients have radiation
illness” but forced to keep it secret
October 2, 2011
Los Alamos Officials: Massive dump for radioactive waste
“will soon be suitable for residential development”
AP: 33 underground canals of radioactive waste were
beneath barrels of plutonium contamination threatened by Los
Alamos fire
October 2, 2012
Watch: Children Play at Nuclear Theme Park in Japan —
Characters sing that it’s very safe, efficient and good for
you — Photographer kicked out
Japan Engineer: Radiation doses at Fukushima Daiichi to
increase dramatically in several years – “But no one talks
about that”
October 3, 2013
TV: 70% of children tested are contaminated with radioactive
cesium — All of them from outside Fukushima Prefecture
Gundersen: Deformities, stillbirths not being reported after
Fukushima — Officials withholding truth about health effects
— Gov’t suppressing studies on deformed animals
October 4, 2012
Nuclear Engineer: “This is the worst possible scenario”
— I think the melted fuel has already eaten through the
concrete at Fukushima plant
October 5, 2011
3rd Fukushima Nuke Worker Dead
October 6, 2012
Fukushima Worker: We are starting to have cancers — My
co-worker had surgery for cancer, internal exposure
October 6, 2013
International Scientists: Japan experts must be allowed
to report health consequences of Fukushima — “The official
data is all denial” — Pressured to downplay true impact of
October 7, 2011
Anonymous Fukushima Engineer: Another explosion at nuke
plant possible — “It’s endless, endless – The task will
never end”
More on Dead Fukushima Nuke Worker: Internal radiation
level unknown since early Sept. — “Died suddenly” — TEPCO
not revealing cause
October 7, 2012
PM Noda at Fukushima Plant: “Such an appalling, severe
October 8, 2012
Watch: Kids run marathon on street with radioactivity
of 134,000 Bq/m2 — “Children of Fukushima will be killed by
the gov’t… Someone please help”
The Economist: “Something strange was afoot” during
Prime Minister’s visit to plant — Fukushima 50 muzzled
October 9, 2011
Another Fukushima worker exposed to high level of
radiation — Radioactive material attached to jaw, neck —
Severe internal exposure likely
O)ctober 10, 2011
BBC: Former top WHO official says there’s evidence that
a kind of genetic mutation is being passed on after
Chernobyl meltdown
October 10, 2012
Fukushima Tapes: “This is a suicide corps… We can’t
vent Unit 2… this is like the end” — Released recording ends
soon after
Mystery Continues: ‘Difficult to determine’ location of
melted fuel during Unit 1 investigation, says Tepco —
Radiation dose highest at top of containment vessel
October 11, 2011
Japan Radiologist: Radiation can cause mutations like
“fingers growing out of a shoulder”, other deformities in
future humans
Report: Worker dies while decontaminating in Fukushima
October 11, 2013
Fukushima Doctor: Cancer found in over 40 children… We
believe it’s related to the nuclear disaster — Physician:
Leukemia cases to increase in next few months?
October 12, 2012
Japan Official: We said Unit 4 must be flooded with
concrete to reinforce building — “Plug every available space
on the lower floors” — Gov’t gave up on plan
October 13, 2012
Fukushima Boss after 3/11: “It’s awful, awful… No. 3
reactor just blew, probably a steam explosion” — Steam
explosion, not hydrogen? Reactor blew up, not reactor
Nuclear industry publishes coffee table book featuring
images of butterflies at nuke plants
October 14, 2012
Fukushima 3/11 Tapes: It’s time to make a “geezers’
suicide squad” — “We’ve exhausted our options” when
discussing evacuation
October 14, 2013
“It’s Madness”: Doctors in Japan helping perpetuate
Fukushima cover-up — Patients not being told their illnesses
are from exposure to radioactive contamination — Scientific
reports showing radiation health damage to humans are
forbidden to be published
October 15, 2013
Gundersen: Concern an even larger calamity is coming at
Fukushima — Guardian: Workers passing out within minutes of
arriving at plant; Alcohol abuse a problem, men working with
‘the shakes’; Insiders say they’re suffering health problems
October 16, 2012
Japan Reporter at Fukushima Plant: Reactor building’s
steel frame is “severely crushed” — Getting to see structure
in person made a great impact
October 17, 2012
Up to 1,000,000 sieverts per hour outside Fukushima
Unit 1 containment vessel — Still too hot to attempt
measuring other areas
October 19, 2012
Japan Engineer: Fukushima contaminated water to go in
giant pit — “It can easily be discharged underground”

October 22, 2012
Japan Engineer: Tepco won’t spend money needed at
Fukushima Daiichi — Asahi: Tepco still giving large
‘donations’ to areas with nuclear facilities
October 13, 2012
Japan Nuclear Expert: Humans must ‘decommission’
Fukushima reactors — Robots can’t do anything basically
Japan Newspaper: Radiation levels rising every month
since decontamination in Fukushima district — Gov’t won’t
help or even respond — “Are they forcing us to tolerate high
October 23, 2013
Fukushima Workers Speak Out: We hide accidents at plant —
CNN: Health is suffering — CBS: Radioactive materials “just
pour right in” after cleanup
October 24, 2012
Watch: Tepco using “promotional balloon” to inspect
Fukushima reactor building? Shaped like lightbulb with brass
screw-in base — “Creative use of an advertising tool” finds
high radiation levels
October 25, 2011
Disguised Fukushima Engineer: “If people think nuclear
power is safe, I’d like them to work with me for a day” —
BBC: “Opinion is shifting even inside the plant itself”
Doctor finds Uranium and Zirconium in Tokyo resident’s
fingernails — “We are becoming nuclear fuel rods”
October 25, 2013
Reuters Special: Workers are tricked into being on front
lines at Fukushima plant — “You can’t escape” — “They kept
me in a shed” — “There’s nowhere else to go… Everyone is
stuck” — “You’re brainwashed” — “After a few days, they’re
thrown away
October 26, 2011
CNN: ‘Why tourism in Fukushima makes more sense then
ever’ — Reporter given all-expenses-paid trip to Japan —
“Life in much of Fukushima goes on as normal now”
Top US nuclear official bursts into laughter after
question on deaths of irradiated Fukushima workers
October 27, 2011
Fukushima worker has heart attack while working at
Reactor No. 1 — Only 31 years old
October 27, 2012
Report: 100,000 Tepco employees being sent to Fukushima
in 2013
October 28, 2012
NHK Documentary: Our civilization is met with disaster
because of Fukushima crisis — It’s a “civilization disaster”
October 28, 2013
‘Nuclear Slaves’ at Fukushima: Workers have debts paid off,
forced to stay as ‘indentured servants’ — Foreign workers
may soon be needed at plant, official reveals
October 29, 2011
Fukushima worker gets sick, vomits — Forced to remove
protective face mask — Tested with whole body counter —
TEPCO says mask was tied too tightly
October 29, 2013
Fukushima Worker: I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in
2012, now stomach and intestinal cancers found recently —
Each developed independently, not from one spreading —
Worked at plant for just 4 months in 2011
October 29, 2013
Fukushima Worker: I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in
2012, now stomach and intestinal cancers found recently —
Each developed independently, not from one spreading —
Worked at plant for just 4 months in 2011