~ April
2015 ~
May ►
April 1, 2011
NY Times contributor confirms California rainwater 181
times above drinking water standards for radioactive
April 1, 2012
Fukushima monthly fallout now 10 times higher than last
April 1, 2014
Radio: “Surprisingly, high concentrations [of Fukushima
cesium] found in Vancouver area” since ocean currents slow
down — Levels are increasing — “Might be hotspots where
radiation concentrates” — “Chances are high for marine life
to absorb it… concern about mussels… clams, oysters”
April 2, 2011
Volunteers are operating EPA’s radiation monitors —
“Helps the federal agency save money”
Nuclear expert: EPA claim that no harmful radiation
could reach US is “idiotic” — EPA says “the federal
government is monitoring the situation”
Latest forecast has all of California under radiation
threat April 6, 7 — Shows levels as high as in Japan
Canada suspends mobile radiation measurements around
Vancouver, BC “until further notice” as radioactive cloud

April 4, 2011
4 of 11 radiation monitors were offline in California —
EPA assures everything is OK, but much of the monitoring
system broken
April 4, 2012
Japan Gov’t Study: Fukushima contamination in ocean
reached Alaska in under a month
April 4, 2014
Former Energy Dept. Official: People near Tokyo “were
getting a yearly radiation dose in about 10 minutes” from
Fukushima releases — “Radioactive gases might have been
leaving at a rate of 300% a day, instead of 1% assumed by
April 5, 2011
Top UN radiation official claims Fukushima “not expected
to have any serious impact on people’s health”
April 5, 2012
Study Author: California iodine-131 probably double or
triple what we reported
Nuclear Expert: “I should make clear that if the EPA
safe drinking water level doesn’t apply to rainwater,
nothing does”
April 11, 2011
Tuna swim from Japan to US West Coast and arrive by
late summer — “It may well have spent time in some of the
most radioactive water on earth”
April 6, 2012
Newspaper: Orange County coastal fish possibly affected
by radioactivity — “I would assume it’s there” in the plants
and animals off California’s coast says researcher
Beware ‘Spring Maximum’ for Radioactive Fallout

April 7, 2011
Radioactive rain causes 130 schools in Korea to close —
Yet rain in California had 10 TIMES more radioactivity
April 8, 2012
Nuclear Expert: Radiation plume has now hit Hawaii — In
a year it’ll probably reach U.S. West Coast
April 8, 2013
NOAA: Fukushima contamination possibly affecting sea lion
pups — “Radiation is being looked at, just like everything
April 8, 2014
Gov’t model shows airborne radioactive plume covering
entire west coast of US & Canada on Mar 22, 2011… 10 times
more radioactive than plume coming from Fukushima plant on
same day — Radiation levels in some plumes had no
discernible decrease after crossing Pacific
April 8, 2011
Canada: Local official advising residents not to drink
rainwater after tests find increasing radioactivity — Under
pressure from Gov’t to stop testing
April 9, 2014
Bloomberg: Fukushima a global disaster with huge
environmental consequences… like all nuclear catastrophes —
UC Berkeley Nuclear Expert: There’s ‘clear and obvious’
consequences from radiation release… citizens should be
prepared… ‘cold truth’ is accidents will always occur
April 10, 2012
San Francisco Bay Area milk sample has highest amount of
Cesium-137 since last June — Almost double EPA’s maximum
contaminant level
TV: Radiation in kelp could create a health concern for
S. California seafood lovers — “The question we all want
answered, how dangerous is this to you and me?”
April 11, 2013
NYTimes: Fukushima plant unstable says official, concern
another accident can’t be prevented — “Vulnerable… Very
April 11, 2014
Nuclear Engineer: Radiation levels “much higher” in
areas of Fukushima plume headed to west coast than models
show — Radio: Concern “other isotopes” besides cesium to
cross Pacific
April 13, 2011
Fukushima forecast shows large radiation cloud over
U.S. West Coast on April 14, 15
Nuclear expert: Fukushima about 1,000 times worse than
ever anticipated by the nuclear planners
Japan official says delay in raising Fukushima to a
Level 7 was because “we could have triggered a panicked
April 14, 2014
National Geographic: Fukushima considered world’s worst
nuclear accident — Physician: Fukushima remains a “global
health concern” — Kaku: “It’s so bad, they don’t even have a
picture of melted core… the agony is unending”
Senior Scientist: Cancer increase expected on West
Coast from Fukushima exposures; Radioactive particles can
bio-accumulate and form hotspots while crossing Pacific —
KCRW: Concern California wildlife to be impacted; Sea life
can biomagnify nuclear waste, leading to higher levels of
April 15, 2014
Vancouver Sun: Scientists concerned dolphin species on
west coast to be negatively impacted by Fukushima nuclear
waste — Radiation levels to be increasing for years to come
along coast — Canadian gov’t sampling for Iodine-129 in
April 11, 2011
State and city NOT testing drinking water for
radioactivity because of EPA — EPA is “taking
April 16, 2012
Alaska’s #2 Newspaper: Spring brings fallout —
Cesium-137 believed to cause malevolent genetic mutations,
says reprinted editorial
April 16, 2013
Plutonium-238 from Fukushima plant detected for first
time offshore — Tepco reveals data 9 months later

April 18, 2011
Renowned nuclear policy expert: “Every amount of
radiation exposure increases your risk of cancer… There is
no safe level of radiation”
Fukushima Forecast: Uninterrupted line of radiation
stretches across Pacific, tracking towards West Coast of
U.S., Canada
April 19, 2012
Gundersen: Cesium-134 and -137 detected in Southern
California pollen sample — “When you find them both together
that’s a Fukushima signature”
April 20, 2011
New EPA data shows iodine-131 in Los Angeles tap water —
Still no testing for radioactive cesium
April 20, 2014
Gundersen: Fukushima will be bleeding into Pacific for next
100 years — Such a worldwide catastrophe — Molten cores
being released into groundwater and moving off site —
‘Radioactive lake’ developing beneath reactors — New Yorker:
“Human disaster that may never end”
April 21, 2011
Japan admits daily radioactive release from Fukushima
at 154 trillion Becquerels, many times higher than
previously announced — Nuclear commission blames calculation
Fukushima Forecast: Radiation cloud to approach US West
Coast starting April 24
Top Massachusetts health official: Drinking water is
‘pretty safe’ because cities don’t use rainwater as a
primary water source
April 22, 2012
Gov’t Report: EPA’s ability to protect human health with
RadNet was “potentially impaired” for Fukushima — Officials
questioned why they were using “dramatically less strict”
standards for radioactive contamination
April 22, 2013
CNN shows diagram of nuclear material leaking from
Fukushima reactor — “Tepco always says it’s alright… it
always turns out they’re not telling the truth”
April 23, 2012
New Interview: Fukushima poses lethal risk to US West
Coast, says Senator — Another bomb waiting to go off —
Extreme nuclear vulnerability, especially in Reactor No. 4

April 24, 2012
150km from Fukushima Daiichi: Radioactive plumes
continued during summer — Fallout was re-suspended during
daytime by daily convection due to sunshine
Worse than radioactive rain? After Fukushima, fallout
was suspended near Earth’s surface without settling down,
says new study — “Potentially a health risk, especially for
children as they breathe closer to ground”
April 25, 2013
Japan and IAEA “grossly downplaying” Fukushima cesium
releases — Chernobyl-like levels leaked from plant
April 25, 2014
PBS Reporter Miles O’Brien: “No one likes to see ocean
filled with cesium and strontium and so forth” — It’s
arriving on West Coast of U.S. as we speak — “Nobody likes
the idea of eating cesium from Fukushima” — “Tainted water
dumped into Pacific as we speak”
April 26, 2011
New EPA radiation tests show Cesium in California
rainwater at highest level since crisis began
New type of Fukushima forecast shows radioactive
Cesium, Iodine over large sections of U.S. and Canada
April 27, 2013
Highest fallout levels in Tokyo since soon after
Fukushima crisis began
Chernobyl Disaster, 1986
April 29, 2011
Radioactive Strontium Found in Hawaii Milk
April 30, 2014
Japan TV: Radioactive release was up to 500 times larger
than thought for Fukushima reactor — Surprising surge in
radiation levels before explosions — Our understanding of
what happened at plant is ‘very limited’
April 30, 2013
Fox News: Humans to be affected by what’s killing
California sea lions? Would be sad if it’s because of
Fukushima disaster
May 6, 2014 Update:
Over 50 dead seals, sea lions, whales, walrus recently
stranded in Alaska — Dozens of seals suffering from
baldness, skin sores — Experts: “Marine transported
Fukushima radionuclides… may represent a new stressor to