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2015 ~
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March 1, 2012
Top US Nuke Official: Melted core penetrates concrete
at 2 inches per hour — No doubt containment is lost during
blackout — Manual tells you everything except how to stop it
Asahi Flyover: No spent fuel pool seen in Reactor No. 3
— SFP ‘must’ be in center of screen, however we can’t see
any of it
March 4, 2012
New Asahi doc: NISA team knew of triple meltdowns by
March 18 — Kept secret until Tepco’s admission two months
later — Says melted fuel only ‘largely’ submerged in water
March 5, 2013
Guardian: 2 years later and “still no closer to gauging
state of damaged fuel” at Fukushima — Reuters: “Little
useful data on fuel debris”
Fukushima 50 Special: Unit 4 pool “had boiled dry,
raising the spectre of a nuclear fission chain reaction” —
Feared nearby nuclear plant would be evacuated
March 6, 2014
Nuclear-friendly Magazine: Fukushima melted fuel is
glowing, could still be ‘lava-like’ — Only vaguest idea of
where corium is — Pouring concrete in structure being
discussed — They may not be able to decommission plant, but
have to give it a try
March 7. 2014
New Studies on Mystery ‘Black Substances’ found in
downtown Tokyo. Released: Fuel core materials from
Fukushima plant detected — Plutonium, Uranium-236, Curium
discharged into environment likely in form of fine particles
March 8, 2012
Japan Times: Fukushima faces “insurmountable hurdle” if
containment vessels are source of lethal radiation in
reactor buildings
March 8, 2013
Japan Times: Walls are cracked below ground at Fukushima
reactor buildings — “As if the damage above ground isn’t
enough to worry about”
March 9, 2013
WSJ: Molten fuel could be outside Fukushima reactor —
Experts concerned it’s not being cooled properly
Quake shifted Fukushima underground water and pushed it
to surface all at once — Still gushing out 18 months later
March 9, 2014
Fukushima plant hanging by its fingernails, about to
fall off — Disaster is “warning to all of civilization” —
“Gov’t & Tepco announce dates for completion, but no one
really believes them… this is new territory”
March 10, 2012
Asahi TV: “Unbelievable” — If Unit 4 pool gets a crack
from quake and leaks, it would be end for Tokyo -Expert —
Doesn’t have to be large tremor, already shaken many times
March 10, 2013
AP: Over 30 million tons of nuclear
waste in Fukushima alone — Smoking mounds of disaster
debris, possibly from spontaneous combustion
March 10, 2014
Anonymous Senior Tepco Employee: No one knows what to do
at Fukushima, it’s impossible to fix — Reactors not under
control — “We just can’t deal with the melted fuel”
March 11, 2011
Earthquake and Tsunami strike Japan
March 11, 2013
Gundersen: The containment vessel exploded at Fukushima
Reactor 2 — “There’s definitely a large crack”
March 11, 2014
Japan ex-Prime Minister: Fukushima very close to ‘China
syndrome’ — First time in history where melted fuel “burned
through, leaking to outside of container” — Reactor melted
down 4 hours after M9.0 quake
AP: Radioactive material spews into air & sea at
Fukushima — Asahi: Exposure levels spike — Nuclear Expert:
We don’t even know where 3 melted reactor cores are… it’s
not under control at all; Still getting worse 3 years later
March 12, 2011
Explosion heard at Japan nuclear plant — “High
possibility of meltdown” for reactor No. 1: Government
Japanese TV showing walls at power plant have crumbled

March 13, 2011
Japan’s Prime Minister now saying situation is
“worrisome” at Fukushima nuclear plant
Nuclear plant designer: Tokyo “supressing information” —
Serious meltdown “highly likely”
March 13, 2013
Japan Nuclear Expert: “Containment vessel continued to
break at various spots, one after another” from Fukushima
melted fuel — “It lost the protective wall which seals in
March 14, 2011
Fuel rods at Fukushima’s No. 2 reactor FULLY exposed
US Navy detects “radioactive plume” 100 miles from
Radioactive releases may continue for a YEAR or more
even after fission has stopped: New York Times
March 15, 2011
Analyst: What we have already is the worst case scenario
at Fukushima
Advisory: “Radiation too high for TEPCO personnel to
stay in Fukushima nuke plant control rooms”
March 15, 2012
Fukushima Report: Fire created “8 square meter hole in
the wall” at Unit No. 4 — Fuel pool only 15 degrees from
boiling point by March 14, explosion next day
NHK: Radiation levels too high for humans to continue
at Reactors No. 2 and 3 — Workers must repair damage to
suppression chambers
March 16, 2011
Official: Container of No.3 reactor feared damaged and
leaking “high-level” radiation
March 16, 2012
NHK: Large volume of unidentified floating white matter
seen in No. 4 reactor and spent fuel pool — Tepco to
investigate where it came from
NYTimes in ’93: Worst type of reactor accident is
nuclear fuel melting, burning through vessel and reactor
basement, then into earth
March 17, 2011
Spent Fuel Pool in reactor No. 4 damaged and leaking
very fast: UK’s top scientific officer
Water cannon unable to spray reactor, turns away because
radiation levels too high – NHK
March 17, 2012
Analysis: Melted fuel completely penetrated concrete in
under 15 hours at GE Mark I — Shows little decline in speed
CBS: “The worst case scenario was happening” at
Fukushima — Cores may have burned into earth, releasing
untold amounts of radiation if not for sea water injection —
You really won’t know what happened until you see inside,
says NRC
Interim Report: Tepco prepared to airdrop ice into
Reactor No. 1 Spent Fuel Pool — 3.5 tons brought to
March 18, 2011
Nuclear expert: “These things could go on for months —
You could lose all six of the reactors”
March 18, 2013
Seawater and sand caused blackout at Fukushima Daiichi?
— Crucial power device “left on back of vehicle… exposed to
the elements”
‘Rat-like animal’ blamed for Fukushima blackout —
Rodent able to endanger nuclear plant?
Temperatures rise in Fukushima fuel pools after nearly
20 hours without power — Crews “scrambling” to fix problems
— Tepco placing “highest priority” on Unit 4
March 19, 2011
Reactors will have to be entombed. "This could go
on Forever"
March 19, 2013
Asahi: The explosion at Fukushima Reactor 3 had
seriously damaged Reactor 2 — “Worst possible case” was
predicted soon after — Many workers abandoned facility
Power still not restored at Fukushima Unit 3 fuel pool
and Common Fuel Pool — No fresh cooling water for over a day
— Tepco: Extremely sorry it took so long to announce
March 20, 2011
Confusion: Radiation still being released from Fukushima
— Officials don’t know where it is coming from
Fukushima radioactive inventory is “30 to 40 times as
high as in Chernobyl”: German radiation expert
March 20, 2014
Japanese TV: Fukushima fuel cores have ‘molten-through’
containment vessels — Location of molten fuels is unknown —
“Risk of re-criticallity” from filling vessels with water
March 21, 2011
UPDATE: Neutron beams suggest uranium and plutonium have
leaked and nuclear fission has occurred
March 21, 2014
NY Times: ‘Shameful’ situation at Fukushima — Tepco
“seems unaware of what is happening” — Gov’t must take
control of plant — “So little is understood about how to
deal with the melted-down reactors”
March 22, 2011
Fukushima radioactive iodine and cesium emissions
nearing Chernobyl levels — Carried far by the wind and
absorbed readily by humans
Boiling Point: Reactor No. 4 spent fuel pool at 212
March 23, 2011
“Highly radioactive water was later found leaking near
ALL FOUR troubled reactor units” — From reactors or spent
fuel pools?
Japan Gov’t: “No immediate likelihood the plant will
stop emitting radiation” — High radiation areas should
voluntarily evacuate
March 24, 2011
TEPCO official admits radioactivity too high to measure
— Exceeded limit of gauge
March 24, 2014
PBS Reporter: “The whole world needs to pay
attention” to what’s going on at Fukushima — “Magnitude of
mess is actually staggering” — “We really don’t know how
they’re going to clean it up”
March 25, 2011
Report: Radioactivity at 10 MILLION times usual levels
at No. 2 reactor — Workers evacuated
March 25, 2013
Gundersen: Image shows radioactive “thermal flare” was
coming from Fukushima Reactor 3 — “Exactly where the
containment should be”
Tepco: Animal caused extended power outage at Fukushima
Daiichi — Nearly a foot long rat
March 26, 2012
Fear of radiation a “psychiatric disorder” in Japan —
The Cure? Have them work at decontaminating radiation, says
doctor -Mainichi
German TV: Armageddon if Spent Fuel Pool No. 4
collapses and melts down — Could change the world — Most
likely consequence is that reactors 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 get out
of control — Interview with nuclear engineer
March 26, 2013
Report: Nuclear material came off unused fuel assembly
removed from Fukushima Unit 4 pool — Cobalt-60 at
1,400,000,000 Bq/kg — Debris “felt like grit”
NRC: Fukushima reactor’s containment leaked at 300% per
day — Assumed only 1%
March 27, 2013
AP: “Hardly any cooling water inside one of the
reactors” — Water level only 6% of estimate — Radiation at
10 times fatal dose
March 27, 2013
Symposium Q&A: Explosion at Fukushima Unit 3 drove
nuclear fuel out of storage pool — Scattered up to 2 miles
The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear
meltdown which occurred in one of the two Three Mile Island
nuclear reactors in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United
States, on March 28, 1979
March 28, 2011
TEPCO VP: Possibly years before crisis ends
March 28, 2012
NHK: Suppression chamber “may have been destroyed” at
Reactor No. 2
March 28, 2013
“Game Changer”: Fukushima cesium releases likely 20-30
times higher than revealed
March 29, 2011
IAEA says Fukushima reactors may have achieved
“re-criticality” — Increased radiation releases possible
March 29, 2012
NYT on Reactor No. 4: “Risk of another colossal
radiation leak” if cooling problems arise, experts say —
“Tepco has been racing to fortify crumpled outer shell”
March 29, 2013
Worker: Rat at Fukushima Daiichi measured 15 microsieverts
per hour — “It’s a moving radioactive material”
March 30, 2011
Radioactive iodine now at 4,385 times legal limit in
water near Fukushima plant — “Radiation may be leaking
continuously into sea”
March 30, 2012
NYT: “Cores at three of plant’s reactors melted down,
breaching their containment vessels” — Tepco maintains fuel
stopped short of breaching containment vessels
March 30, 2013
Japan PM discusses restarting Fukushima Daiichi reactors
— Safety to be confirmed?
March 31. 2012
Local Official: Japan gov’t did not reveal
plutonium-241 detection — Radiation dose was 50 times higher
than total of other three plutonium isotopes that were
March 31, 2014
TV: Fukushima crisis “much more severe than we’re led
to believe” — ‘Mind-boggling’ — Small quake could tip over
reactors and start it all over again — Japan “selling soul
to devil” if they restart nuclear plants
May 6, 2014 Update:
“Nuclear fuel fragments” from Fukushima found in Europe
— 10,000+ kilometers from reactors — Study: Plume “directly
from N. America” — Hot particles a “significant part”
radioactive releases — Quickly spread over entire hemisphere
— Film shows core material on Norway air filter