~ May 2015
June ►
May 1, 2014
AP: “This town is dead”… Locals
feel Fukushima plant could explode any minute; Yearly ‘safe’
radiation levels exceeded “in a matter of a few hours” — TV:
“Fukushima evacuees complain of health problems”; Nearly 70%
of households affected
May 2, 2011
Official: Japanese gov’t withheld radiation forecasts
to prevent causing panic
Medical experts: Japan’s safety standards on radiation
levels for children are “unconscionable”
May 3, 2011
EPA will no longer conduct radiation monitoring related
to Fukushima — Results have not been updated for almost a
May 3, 2013
Nuclear Safety Expert: “Many experts are extremely
concerned we could have additional releases” at Fukushima
plant — “Very, very unstable facility”
May 5, 2014
Japan TV: ‘Endless fight’ against radiation — Levels in
home at 7,500% gov’t limit — ‘Shocking’ 62,700 Bq/kg of
cesium in mushrooms… “They just stared at the numbers” —
Retired Official: “This will taste great fried…When
decontamination finished it will be safe for people to
May 6, 2011
Crew members on Justin Bieber’s tour refuse go to Japan
for upcoming shows in Tokyo, Osaka because of radiation —
Manager says to “man the f*** up”
May 6, 2014
“Nuclear fuel fragments” from Fukushima found in Europe
— 10,000+ kilometers from reactors — Study: Plume “directly
from N. America” — Hot particles a “significant part”
radioactive releases — Quickly spread over entire hemisphere
— Film shows core material on Norway air filter
May 6, 2013
Study: Vast area of 60 million people contaminated from
Fukushima disaster

May 8, 2012
Nuclear Professor: 5,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of
cesium-137 in spent fuel pool No. 4 — “Low estimate”
May 8, 2013
Hospital Official in Fukushima: “Extremely scary data”
— Stroke rate spiking in people ages 35 to 64 — 3.4 times
higher than before
May 9, 2012
Head of Tokyo-area Medical Clinic: “Risk from internal
exposure is 200-600 times greater than risk from external
Kyodo: More than 25 Koriyama schools with high radiation
areas — At least 19 nursery and elementary schools affected
— 60km from Fukushima Daiichi
May 10, 2013
‘Emergency decontamination’ needed in places used by
Fukushima kids — Highly radioactive material accumulating —
City Official: Many times higher than previous record for
urban areas
May 11, 2011
Watchdog: Inexplicable that EPA shut down Fukushima
radiation monitoring after finding high levels of radiation
in drinking water
May 11, 2012
Kyoto Professor: 20,000 square kilometers would be
evacuated if Japan followed law on “illegal” radioactive
waste — 20 times larger than no-go zone
May 12, 2011
High radiation beyond evacuation zone — Kyoto nuclear
professor surprised by extent of contamination and the vast
area it covers
May 14, 2012
Young girl covered in mud during decontamination effort
in former Fukushima evacuation zone — Ban on entering area
lifted only last month

May 15, 2012
Watch: Mystery black substance detected in Japan with
extreme radioactivity levels — Over 170,000 CPM
Japan Physicians: 1 million will develop cancer and die
from Fukushima radiation, using expert’s figures
May 16, 2011
Report: Obama administration urged Japan Prime
Minister’s government “to take steps to prevent a further
decline in Tepco stock”
May 16, 2012
Tokyo Newspaper: 6 in 10 Fukushima children tested have
diabetes — Head of Tokyo-area Medical Clinic: We are
expecting diabetes in children from Fukushima radiation
May 17, 2011
Nearly 3,000 evacuees rushed to hospital by ambulance —
From shelters in Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi
May 17, 2013
ZDF Bureau Chief: Very high radioactive dose of 65
microsieverts per hour in Fukushima City — “Informed
officials 3 month ago, nothing happened until today!” — Many
children pass by everyday
May 18, 2012
More children who evacuated Fukushima found with
thyroid abnormalities
May 18, 2013
Japan Times: Radiation level in Fukushima town 400
times higher than in Tokyo — 10 kilometers from Daiichi
May 19, 2013
Rice planted 10 miles from Fukushima Daiichi — Residents
can’t stay in town overnight — “Intended for sale”
May 20, 2012
Report from Fukushima: ‘Total levels of radiation are
not decreasing at all’ — Japan gov’t ‘does nothing’ —
‘Individuals are left to deal with the problem’
Trillions of becquerels per day still being emitted from
Fukushima Daiichi — Radioactive steam continues
May 21, 2013
AP: Radiation levels outside Fukushima “exceeded the
annual limit for nuclear workers” — Residents now demanding
May 22, 2011
Over one thousand nuclear workers have internal
radiation of 10,000+ cpm after visiting Fukushima
Nearly 5,000 nuke plant workers suffering internal
radiation exposure after ‘visiting’ Fukushima — Local gov’t
to consider testing residents
May 23, 2011
70,000 more “must evacuate around Fukushima” —
Contamination up to several million Bq/m2
UN committee chairman studying Fukushima radiation
impact: “We wouldn’t expect to see health effects” in
children, workers, or anyone else
May 24, 2011
Time.com: Report about “Triple Meltdown” says it’s
“not-great-but-not-apocalyptic news du jour”
May 24, 2012
Nakate: Big change in number of child deaths in
Fukushima due to illnesses after July 2011 — Death from
cardiovascular disease doubled — Cancer and leukemia also
May 25, 2012
Mayor: “We are definitely suffering from radiation
exposure in our bodies” and want health care — Just 2% of
Fukushima residents have had radiation testing by gov’t
Asahi: ‘Major problems’ with radiation testing for
May 26, 2011
Huge Outcry Erupting: Gov’t is leaving Fukushima to
suffer and perish — Impossible to evacuate Fukushima City,
home to 300,000
May 27, 2011
Ozawa: We may not be able to live in Japan someday —
Radiation is going to be flowing out for a long period of
May 28, 2012
NYTimes: Fukushima Daiichi pushed Japan to brink of
evacuating metropolitan Tokyo’s 30 million residents and
national collapse, says former Prime Minister
May 29, 2013
TV Interview with Fukushima Resident: Coughing blood,
stinging sensation on skin after explosions — “Very peculiar
May 30, 2011
TEPCO official admits there will be “major delay” to
contain crisis because of triple meltdown — Stabilizing
reactors by start of 2012 may be “impossible”
Fukushima risks Chernobyl ‘Dead Zone’ — Over 5,000,000
becquerels per square meter of Cesium-137 outside 20 km zone
May 30, 2012
Cyanobacteria and alpha radiation detected 350km from
Fukushima Daiichi (
May 31, 2013
UN: “Fukushima nuclear disaster poses no IMMEDIATE
health risks” — Unknown if increase in thyroid cancer is due
to radioactivity
May 2014 Update:
Two Manga Comics feature Fukushima Theme
