~ July 2015
August ►
July 1, 2012
Tepco: Cooling system back on at Spent Fuel Pool No. 4
July 2, 2011
Radiation monitoring station data was actually three
decimal places greater than numbers released to public, says
Japan’s former Minister for Internal Affairs
July 2, 2012
White smoke from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor No. 6 turbine
July 2, 2013
AFP: Fire breaks out at crippled Fukushima nuclear plant
July 3, 2013
Interview: Fukushima Reactor No. 4′s problem is not
only its nuclear fuel pool! — Pit filled with highly
radioactive materials
Tokyo Professor: Situation of Fukushima Reactor No. 2 is
‘beyond imagination’ — Worker: Undoubtedly it’s the most
serious problem at plant… We are clueless

Reactor Units 3 and 4, March, 2011
July 5, 2012
NRC Official: 90% chance that containment vessels used
at Fukushima would “burst” from fuel melting down
July 5, 2013
Asahi: Highest cesium levels in a year detected in
Fukushima — 1,780,000 Bq/kg on downtown rooftop
July 7, 2011
Trouble at Reactor No. 3: Unable to inject nitrogen in
containment vessel to prevent hydrogen explosion
July 7, 2012
Gov’t Report: Reactor 3 may have had second meltdown a
week after first
Gundersen: Latest probe at Unit 1 indicates nuclear fuel
has left containment
July 8, 2011
Japan nuclear group says vital info still has not been
released, such as temperatures of the molten nuclear fuel
and lower section of pressure vessels
July 8, 2012
Failed power supply at No. 4 fuel pool shows evidence
of fire — Tepco says it’s “covered with soot”
July 9, 2011
New long-term roadmap says removal of melted nuclear
fuel may begin in 10 years… “If technology essential for the
work has been developed”
July 10, 2013
Japan Expert: New radioactive leaks from
Fukushima Reactor No. 2 may be underway; Concern about
‘vertical streams’ — Tepco: Impossible to completely prevent
it from spreading
July 11, 2011
Expert: Appears that more nuclear fuel damaged at Fukushima
than all other reactor accidents in history combined
July 13, 2013
TV: Fukushima plant is hemorrhaging radioactivity —
“Scariest part of all is they don’t know where it’s coming
from” — The big mystery is why contamination is coming out
now in such a hurry
July 14, 2012
Nuclear Expert: Melted nuclear core could go up to a
HALF MILE into earth
July 17, 2011
Japan, TEPCO to admit that treating Fukushima’s highly
radioactive water will take up to three years
July 18, 2013
Alarm as steam rises from Fukushima No. 3 reactor —
Concern about uncontrolled chain reaction — Contains highly
lethal MOX fuel — Tepco: “We don’t believe an emergency
situation is breaking out”
July 20, 2011
NHK: “High levels of radioactivity found extensively” —
Japan says air 150 km from Fukushima plant is as radioactive
as areas close to meltdown
Japan officials claim Fukushima plant is stabilized,
then admit radioactive releases won’t be reduced until 2012
July 21, 2012
Criminal? Fukushima Daiichi workers told to rip open
radiation protection suits and insert lead plates — “Make
sure nobody sees what you are doing” — Threatened with being
Fukushima Daiichi workers ordered to cover dosimeters
with lead plates
July 22, 2011
TEPCO redefines “cold shutdown” — Only bottom of
pressure vessel has to be under 100 degrees celsius, not
reactor-core coolant
July 22, 2013
Gundersen: Fukushima tanks releasing x-rays in very
high quantities offsite — Exposure to people outside plant
is very, very high from ‘Bremsstrahlung’ phenomenon —
Hundreds of tanks could easily start leaking after quake
July 23, 2012
Kyodo News uses term ‘Hot-zone’ to describe Miyagi,
Iwate and Tochigi Prefectures… not just Fukushima
Tepco: Cesium getting stirred up? Fukushima plant still
emitting 10,000,000 becquerels every hour
July 23, 2013
BBC: It’s boiling somewhere inside Fukushima Unit No. 3
— Reactor supposed to be in cold shutdown — Situation
July 24, 2012
Experts assuming Reactor 2 had cracked containment
vessel that allowed releases directly from melted nuclear
core —
Asahi: Cables connected to Fukushima reactor
thermometers “on verge of breaking” — “Plant still not out
of the woods”
July 24, 2013
Fukushima Unit 3 steaming again, third time in a week —
Asahi: High radiation levels detected near where it was
observed — Tepco does not know where it’s coming from
July 25, 2011
Cesium-134 in water near Reactor No. 3 climbs to 30
times maximum limit — May have been caused by typhoon
July 25, 2012
Unit 2 water 10 times more radioactive than Unit 1 —
47,000,000 becquerels per liter in turbine room basement
July 25, 2013
‘Mysterious’ steam at Fukushima Unit 3 — NPR: “Fuel
could have shifted… or worse restarted nuclear reactions” —
Tepco: “We still don’t know for sure the cause”
July 26, 2012
NBC News: “The state of the reactors is still
deteriorating … the incident is still progressing” says
Japanese nuclear specialist — How do you remove radioactive
material without releasing it? — All we can do now is pray
July 27, 2011
Reactor No.3 requiring more water than No. 1 and 2
because of leaks and “other problems”
July 28, 2012
Experts fear Japan reactor’s strength is failing —
Findings triggered immediate concern — “I just don’t
understand yet why the transition temperature is so high”
says NISA panel expert
July 29, 2011
Gov’t says 1,500 tons of highly radioactive sludge may
end up as “soil for gardening”
NHK: TEPCO doesn’t know where melted fuel is at in
reactors or actual level of radioactive particles still
being released — About to start checking
July 29, 2012
Gundersen: A ton of plutonium was in each Fukushima
reactor — Host shocked
July 30, 2012
Gundersen: Fukushima reactors still releasing
radioactive gas — Biggest problem is buildings are leaking
into groundwater
July 30, 2013
Gov’t: Extremely radioactive tunnels at Fukushima must
be drained — Contamination is from melted fuel — Nuclear
material going through gravel and into ocean?
Japan gov’t intervening at Fukushima nuclear plant —
Will take over measuring radiation levels — Top official
“questioned accuracy of Tepco’s data on contamination”
July 31, 2012
AP: Link between nuclear weapons and nuclear power is
“becoming increasingly clear” says Japan professor — Nuclear
power industry not thrilled people are talking about it
July 31, 2013
Asahi: Grave situation as highly radioactive ‘mystery
steam’ and water are released into ground, sea, and air from
Fukushima plant — Tepco’s entire focus should be to prevent
contamination from escaping — “Appallingly shoddy handling…
Glaring ineptitude”
April 30, 2014 Update:
Japan TV: Radioactive release was up to 500 times
larger than thought for Fukushima reactor — Surprising surge
in radiation levels before explosions — Our understanding of
what happened at plant is ‘very limited’