~ December
2015 ~
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December 1, 2011
Tepco: 68 tons of nuclear fuel melted at Fukushima
Reactor No. 1
December 2, 2011
CBS Animation: Fukushima “much worse than we thought” —
If fuel burned through “no one knows how far it would have
December 2, 2013
Risk Expert: “High risk” of nuclear holocaust at
Fukushima — Plant to keep emitting radioactive materials
“for a thousand years or so”
December 3, 2012
Kyodo: Concern about condition of Fukushima Unit 4 —
Fuel rods may get dumped onto ground and burn up in quake —
Tepco ‘hastening’ removal
December 3, 2013
Gov’t Doc.: Re-criticality a threat
at Fukushima; Concern melted fuel to change it’s form —
M.I.T. Q&A: Coolability of the molten corium is questionable

December 5, 2011
German Radiation Expert: No way to stop nuclear fuel
that’s melted-through — Can only pray it does not touch
underground water vein
December 5, 2013
Study: Evidence of “uncontrollable
nuclear reaction” after Fukushima reactors shutdown —
“Emerged criticality” supported by data
December 6, 2011
Nuclear Expert: Tepco is admitting they are very close to
China Syndrome at Fukushima, where melted fuel penetrates
December 6, 2012
*News Alert* Kyodo: Japan gov’t thinks they can restart
nuclear reactors in a few months

December 8, 2011
Nihon TV: Japan prof. says the explosions at Reactors
No. 1 & 3 may have damaged suppression chambers — “Saturated
steam that contains fission products” was apparently
observed escaping
December 8, 2013
BBC: Work at Fukushima Unit 4 a
“distraction”; The “real nightmare” is coming from 3 molten
cores — NYTimes: Melted fuel is “all over the place… First
goal is simply to stop uncontrolled releases of radioactive
December 9, 2011
*UPDATE* Mainichi: Reactors No. 1 and 2 have holes up to
50 square CENTImeters, analysis says — Biggest hurdle now is
filling with water — “Caused by hydrogen explosions” — Half
million pounds of highly radioactive fuel inside reactors
December 10, 2011
NHK: Plant operators trying to find nuclear cores — All
fuel has melted through, much of it into containment vessel…
So where’s the rest?
December 10, 2013
US Nuclear Officials: Fuel fragments were likely
ejected from cladding at the 3 Fukushima reactors —
Particles of fuel resemble highly radioactive ‘mystery black
substance’ often seen in Japan since 3/11
December 11. 2011
NHK: Plant operators trying to find nuclear cores — All
fuel has melted through, much of it into containment vessel…
So where’s the rest?
NRC on Fukushima: Fuel rods violently consumed by
self-sustaining reaction — Molten core then “on the move” —
Radiological impact is huge
December 11, 2012
Plant Chief: Fukushima 10 times worse than Chernobyl if
containment vessel exploded
December 13, 2013
Japan’s Leader on 3/11: Most don’t know, but
Reactor 1 melted down in 5 hours; We almost lost 1/3 of
nation due to Fukushima — Tepco: Reactor 3 melted earlier
than reported, water went in wrong pipes — NHK:
Investigation into how such massive amounts of radioactive
substances were released
December 14, 2011
NYT on Recriticality: Japan nuclear prof. says chain
reaction at Fukushima can’t be ruled out — Disagrees with
expert in America who says it’s unlikely
AP: Whereabouts of melted nuclear cores unknown as Japan
ready to declare Fukushima in stable condition — Madarame:
Reactors are broken, difficult to predict what may occur
December 14, 2013
Tepco: We should have told
public this sooner… we failed to cool molten fuel after
meltdowns began — Experts: Fukushima cesium release
could be more than triple Chernobyl
December 15, 2011
Yomiuri: Meltdowns were advancing while being kept
hidden from public for months — Gov’t “very cautious” about
saying meltdown

December 16, 2011
CNN: Spent fuel rods are “very damaged” — Fires from heat at
SFP No. 4 are believed to have damaged reactor building
Time: Some worry that melted Fukushima fuel may
December 16, 2012
We now have the evidence
that Fairewinds was right — “Containments can blow-up”
December 17, 2011
Mag: Curium and plutonium outside Fukushima plant
indicate nuclear explosion at Reactor No. 3 — Broken spent
nuclear fuel rods may have been scattered
December 17, 2012
Tepco reveals “detonation shock wave” during massive
explosion at Fukushima Unit 3
December 17, 2014
IAEA ***NOT for distribution***: Molten core is
suspected to have penetrated Fukushima containment vessel —
Prime Minister on 3/11: We couldn’t be in Tokyo if melted
fuel went through containment vessel
Official: Fukushima fuel melted “on unprecedented scale”
— French Gov’t: Parts of the coriums have been dispersed —
AP: It’s location and condition are unknown
December 18, 2011
LA Times: People just learning that gov’t may be telling
fairy tale, says Japan broadcaster — Radiation levels around
Fukushima were “almost beyond calculation” — Chernobyl
reporters never saw anything like it
December 18, 2012
Gov’t Experts: No knowledge of what state melted fuel is
in at Fukushima plant — Don’t know where it’s located —
Persistent danger surrounds reactors — Collapses of
facilities a threat
December 19, 2011
NRC says Reactor No. 2 “burned continuously for several
days” after meltdown — Hydrogen “ignited”
December 21, 2012
CNN: Experts call Japan cleanup effort meaningless — An
endless task that’s simply spreading around radiation
December 21, 2014:
Worries at Fukushima as radioactive materials found 80+
feet below Unit 4 —

December 23, 2011
NHK: Radiation so high at Reactor No. 3 that still no gas
detector in place — “Building must be decontaminated” just
to install device
December 23, 2012
Tepco finds bent, damaged spent fuel assemblies in
multiple fuel pools at Japan nuclear plant — Concern about
prompt moderated criticality
December 24, 2011
Mainichi: Gov’t claim of cold shutdown conditions is
“meaningless” — Like when Japan Army’s retreat in WWII was
called a ‘shift in position’
Chritmad Day
Boxing Day
December 26, 2012
Lawsuit: “Reactor itself” melted down, not only nuclear
fuel rods — Japan gov’t “lying through their teeth about
December 26, 2013
IAEA Paper: Corium was not cooled in majority of tests
using water injected from above, as done at Fukushima — Were
studying how to stop molten core from melting through
December 27, 2011
Fairewinds: Fukushima dwarfs Chernobyl — Japanese face
tragedy of a magnitude world has never experienced
December 28, 2013
Engineer: 6 experts say nuclear explosion at reactor is
possible — NRC: Fukushima Unit 3 explosion had 3 loud bangs,
much larger than Unit 1 blast — Tokyo professor’s
presentation adds question mark: “Hydrogen explosion of
Reactor #3?”
December 29, 2013
Gundersen: Nuclear fuel has been moved by groundwater
at Fukushima Daiichi — It’s time to walk away from plant for
next 100 years once there’s an underground sarcophagus —
Much more difficult to contain than Chernobyl
December 30, 2011
UN agency’s report of 2nd explosion at Reactor 3 must
have been made after consulting with RSMC Tokyo: EX-SKF
December 31, 2011
Gov’t projections assumed ONE becquerel per hour was
leaking from Fukushima — Actual rate reached at least 10
Quadrillion times higher
May 18, 2014 Update:
Japan Times: “Radiation has spiked to all-time highs” in
ocean off Fukushima plant — Jiji: “Record-high radiation
levels have been observed” Tepco says — Officials: “Cause of
seawater spike is unknown”