~ November
2015 ~
December ►
November 1, 2011
Japan Gov’t on Containing Radiation: “We don’t have
experience in this field” — “We’re talking about such a vast
area” — Using methods not seen in U.S. for 5 decades
November 1, 2012
Japan Prince’s Son: No one died, no one got injured from
Fukushima… No one — No one is worried about radiation
November 2, 2011
“A very bad sign”: ‘Partial’ re-criticality is just
TEPCO spin — “We could face a much longer period of
instability until the reactors are safe” — Roadmap “cannot
be intact”
November 2 ,2013
Seattle TV: “Warning, video of the (melting) sea stars
might be disturbing” — Scientists are “so concerned” about
rapidly spreading die off on West Coast — Doubled in just a
few days — Jellyfish numbers booming
November 3, 2011
Japan unveils plan to develop massive gov’t “backup
city” 300 miles west of Tokyo — Room for 200,000 staff — May
be built at Itami Airport
Mainichi: Bottle ‘believed’ to contain chunk of radium
caused Tokyo hotspot — Yet radiation remains high in 15
places around supermarket, up to 12 uSv/h
November 4, 2013
Sardine population plummets along U.S. West Coast — AP:
Collapse of species feared — “Canadian Pacific fishermen
catch no sardines in 2013
November 5, 2012
US Paper: Fukushima kids playing above nuclear waste —
Public parks are now unmarked radioactive dumps
November 7, 2013
Mystery: Starfish turn to ‘slime’ along Pacific coast —
“We’re talking about a loss of millions and millions” —
Compared to medieval ‘Black Death’ — Innards become exposed
and fall apart — Cases ballooning in Alaska
Fishermen report boats surrounded by hundreds of dead
Eastern Pacific green sea turtles — Official says some found
swimming in circles as if dazed or confused
November 9, 2011
Top Indian nuke official: Fukushima “not a nuclear
Decontamination Scandal: Japan experts say gov’t just
waiting for radioactivity to decrease by itself — “I really
doubt their seriousness” says professor
November 9, 2012
Photos: Smiling mascot asks Fukushima kids to gargle to
‘stay safe’ from radiation — Radioactive sparkles on happy
November 10, 2011
Senator: We need agressive plan to deal with mass of
“toxic debris” headed to US from Japan — Concern over
hazards to people, fish & clogged waterways
Largest pieces of radioactive tsunami debris could
arrive on West Coast of US and Canada “within days” —
Simulation shows it arriving now
November 11, 2012
Huge increase in tsunami debris for U.S. and Canada on
the way — Still over 100 times more to reach coast over next
few months
NHK: Paper towels are best way to decontaminate Japan —
Outside of homes wiped down by hand
November 11, 2013
Scientists “Especially Worried”: “We don’t know how the
pathogen is doing this” — Sea star broke in half, walked
away, then turned to goo — ‘Environmental factors’ to blame?
— Hundreds wash up dead in Seattle
November 12, 2013
Scientists ‘Alarmed’ and ‘Puzzled’: Hundreds of sea
turtles washing up dead on Pacific coast — Dogs “stopped
breathing and died almost instantly” when eating them —
Researchers analyzing toxicity — Many with reproductive

November 15, 2013
Experts: Fukushima plume headed to West Coast isn’t
just going to pass by like smoke, plant continues to spew
into ocean; Pacific to be full of contamination, it’s a
gigantic experiment — Host: Amazing how many people are in
Novermber 17, 2013
CBS News: ‘Immense mystery’ as sea stars being wiped
out along West Coast, could be gone for generations —
Bewildering disease is spreading and “no idea what’s causing
it, or how to stop it” — Timelapse shows all legs lost in 7
Nov 18, 2013
Hanford Site
The government's multi-billion-dollar effort to clean up the
nation's largest nuclear dump has become its own
dysfunctional mess.
November 22, 2014
Sailors in Hawaii being asked to monitor Fukushima
plumes — TV: New type of debris washing up on islands,
“Really looks different… it’s more current driven” — Study:
Japan nuclear contamination moving same speed as current
November 24, 2011
Tepco: Radioactive substances from Fukushima belong to
landowners, not us — As November tests show massive
contamination far outside evacuation zone
November 24, 2012
USGS: Rapidly-spreading disease in Hawaii coral — New
strain of cyanobacteria blamed — Fish with lesions, turtles
having problems — Big concern whether infectious to humans —
“Truly an unusual event”
November 26, 2013
Gov’t model shows West Coast of N. America to get highest
level of Fukushima contamination until 2030s
November 27, 2011
“It’s like Russian roulette”: Only 10 percent of school
lunches in Fukushima tested for radiation — Officials didn’t
even know testing equipment was available
November 27, 2013
Expansive ‘death zone’ of birds on Alaska island,
perhaps thousands washed ashore — Resident: Radiation’s
always on the backs of our minds — Samples sent to lab for
testing — Reporter: ‘Facebook alarmists’ fear Fukushima to
November 28, 2013
Insiders: State secrets bill meant to suppress
Fukushima news — Japan public stunned as citizens could face
years in prison — Man’s mouth “stuffed with cloth” after
voicing opposition — Toxic leaks into ocean seem
unstoppable, gov’t must plug the information instead
CBC: Gov’t scientists are now detecting Fukushima’s
radioactive plume offshore of Canada — Professor: It’s
headed to our coast, I think monitoring rainfall over next
couple years is prudent
November 29, 2012
NBC News: “Wait until you see pictures of what we found
on the beach in Hawaii” — “Leading edge of what many fear is
an oncoming wave”
November 29, 2013
Scientist: Leading edge of Fukushima plume is now showing up
on West Coast — Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot
of concerns about the nuclear contamination, they’re very
smart and educated… I didn’t expect this much concern
November 30, 2013
Captain: Massive amount of debris off Hawaii, “You had
to be there… just kept going & going… so odd it was in
straight line” — Japan Expert: It’s accumulated off islands,
warns of fish contamination — Rare dolphin washes up with
heart problems & stomach lumps, last examined in 1980s
May 10, 2014 Update
Japan Times: Fukushima fallout in N. America at
400,000,000,000,000 Bq of Cesium-137 — Study: Hazardous on a
‘continental scale’ — Physicist: “Cancer a certainty” if one
radioactive particle ingested