~ August
2015 ~
September ►

2012: Children swim at Fukushima beach as
ocean opened for first time since 3/11
August 1, 2011
Hundreds of tons of very highly
radioactive water found in another building at Fukushima
August 1, 2013
Revealed: The deeper they check underneath Fukushima
plant, the higher contamination levels get — Now sampling
over 40 feet below surface
August 2, 2011
New indoor radiation dose record at Fukushima — 5
sieverts per hour detected at Reactor No. 1 — May be higher
as it exceeded capacity of measuring device
August 3, 2013
NHK: “Contaminated underground water may have moved
aboveground” at Fukushima plant — Asahi: Immediate concern
it’s “spilling” into Pacific
August 4, 2011
Fukushima children go to Vatican, promise Pope they will
“never lose their smiles, which are a source of hope”
August 5, 2011
Jacques Cousteau: Nuclear power the gravest danger to
humanity — ‘No Nukes’ concert stars reunite for Sunday show
near San Francisco (Crosby Stills & Nash, Bonnie Raitt,
Jackson Browne, Doobie Bros.)
August 5, 2013
BBC: Flow of radioactive water into Pacific could
‘accelerate rapidly’ now that barrier is breached at
Fukushima plant — Tepco clearly in ‘deep trouble’
August 6, 2013
BBC: Water crisis at Fukushima has only just begun —
“Plant sits smack in the middle of an underground aquifer” —
It’s rapidly being overwhelmed deep beneath ground
August 7, 2013
NYTimes: 400 tons of highly radioactive water going into
Pacific each day from Fukushima plant, says Tepco — Top
Nuclear Regulator: This is a crisis
August 8, 2011
Nationwide TV in Japan: Toxicity of plutonium “not very
different than salt” — “So safe you can drink it”
August 8, 2012
Off the Chart: University researchers film while
measuring radiation levels in evacuation zone — “‘Over’
means it’s beyond the capacity of the measuring device”
August 8, 2013
Nuclear Official: Growing alarm at Fukushima’s out of
control radioactive leaks… Emergency is accelerating due to
“faster-than-expected swelling” underground — TV: Tepco now
paving over surface with asphalt
Auguswt 9, 2013
Watch: Young kids play in ocean nearby leaking
Fukushima plant — “Real cause for concern” over radiation
levels in sand
August 10, 2011
New data shows Fukushima Daini nuke plant prepared to
vent steam from all four reactors — Feared that containment
vessels might be damaged by pressure
August 11, 2013
Tepco: We’ve known for 2 years that massive amount of
water flows under Fukushima plant — Official “unable to
explain” why they kept secret
August 12, 2013
Radiation Expert: Enormous amount of contamination
flowing from Fukushima will probably imperil entire Pacific
Ocean — Threatens other countries, food chain — Absolutely
can reach U.S. and Canadian shores
Over 15 quadrillion becquerels of radioactive substances
suspected in trench that Tepco now admits is leaking into
groundwater at Fukushima
August 13, 2011
Asahi: “Horrifying” that Fukushima meltdown equivalent
to almost 30 times the radiation released by atomic bomb
dropped on Hiroshima
August 13, 2013
NHK: Groundwater levels continue rising at Fukushima
plant — Gov’t warns Tepco about typhoons — “We can’t do
anything” if rainfall overwhelms pump — Contaminated water
could overflow and move “extremely fast” into Pacific
August 15, 2011
Neptunium-239 found in soil about 40 km from meltdown —
“Several thousand becquerels” — Similar to levels detected
at front gate of Fukushima plant
August 16, 2013
Asahi: Radioactive cesium in Fukushima water now 8
times higher than when disaster began
August 17, 2011
Workers say ground under Fukushima plant is cracking
and radioactive steam is coming up — Melted core may be
moving out of building
August 17, 2013
CBS News: Young kids playing at beaches “far too close”
to Fukushima nuclear plant — Father: I do worry about
radiation, but data says it’s ‘safe’ just 22 miles from
leaking reactors
August 18, 2011
10 trillion becquerels per hour of radiation currently
being released from Fukushima plant:
August 19, 2012
WSJ: The great tragedy of Fukushima is that Japan shut
down all its nuclear reactors -UC Berkeley Professor
August 20, 2012
Report: Concern work not being done at Reactors 1-3 —
Perhaps much longer than 50 years just to contain radiation
August 20, 2013
Expert: Land under Fukushima reactor buildings at risk
of turning into liquid — Area near sea could become like mud
August 21, 2011
Japan gov’t to finally admit indefinite forced
depopulation of large zones around Fukushima plant
August 22, 2011
Nuclear engineer: NRC now says reactors and
containments have breached and released plutonium off-site —
“Much worse” than if from spent fuel pools
August 22, 2012
Japan Nuclear Professor: Fukushima smoke stacks
releasing radiation on a daily basis
August 22, 2013
BBC: Fukushima “much worse than we’ve been led to
believe, much worse” says nuclear expert — Contaminated
water is leaking out all over site
August 24, 2012
6-year-old playing on radioactive waste dump 20km north
of Fukushima Daiichi
August 24, 2013
“Ultimate, worst-case scenario” underway at Fukushima?
New York Times: Experts suspect intense contamination is
seeping out from under melted-down reactors and into Pacific
— Will surpass even the leaks from disaster’s early days
August 25, 2011
Bloomberg: ‘Hot Spots’ Spreading — Gov’t to check
radiation up to 460 km from meltdowns
August 26, 2011
US nuke agency confirms “initial explosions at
Fukushima were very likely ejections of core material”
Japan gov’t: Fukushima cesium equal to 168 Hiroshima
nuclear bombs
August 26, 2013
Nuclear Engineer: Estimated 276 quadrillion Bq of Cs-137
entered Fukushima basements — Triple Chernobyl total release
— A portion “has already made its way to aquifer, whence it
can easily flow into sea”
August 27, 2013
“Big Problem”: Cracked floors in Fukushima reactors
leaking into groundwater that’s rising and rising and rising
due to Tepco wall — “Can no longer be stopped from getting
in ocean” — “Worse than that… buildings now on mushy land”
‘The Coming Fallout’: Experts now fear massive reservoir
of Fukushima contamination about to reach Pacific Ocean —
“Slow, seeping buildup of a second catastrophe” — Workers
can’t say when or how they can stop flow
August 28, 2013
UPI: Fukushima plume to reach U.S. West Coast in
months; Measurable increase in radioactive material — Study:
Prolonged exposure for California lasting 10 years; Hits
Hawaii early 2014… may already be surrounded
Underground water just 4 inches from surface by
Fukushima reactor — AP: Groundwater closer to surface than
Tepco told officials investigating tank leak
August 29, 2011
Independent: Why Fukushima is worse than Chernobyl; “Now
the truth is coming out” — 72,000 times worse than Hiroshima
& 1 million+ cancer deaths, says professor
August 29, 2013
NHK: There was a melt-through so Fukushima fuel is
definitely down with the groundwater, and that’s flowing
into Pacific — Americans need to watch, it gets
international very quickly — May already be at West Coast —
No ‘immediate’ risk
August 30, 2012
Underground cesium near Fukushima reactors increases the
deeper samples get — Other locations tested are much
different, with higher radioactivity on top
August 30, 2013
“Very clear and present danger”: New push to dump
radioactive Fukushima water in Pacific — Or boil it in large
kettle and release steam into atmosphere for many years — Or
do both says UC Berkeley professor
August 31, 2013
TV: “Simulation shows ENTIRE Pacific being polluted by
radioactive water in just 6 years” after start of Fukushima
crisis — “Experts now fear it may become a scary reality”
BBC website links to report claiming ocean is ‘boiling’
in front of Fukushima Daiichi