References from the book version
The book version of Sprawling Places makes references to this web version. Here are links to the parts of this web site that are mentioned in the book.
- more examples and many images of suburbia and sprawl
- Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City proposals
- The New Urbanist development at King Farm, outside Washington, D.C.
- Images of the New Urbanist development at Seaside in Florida, and images of attempts to imitate its styles without its spatial genius
- places do not have to be continuous single areas of space
- real places can be in virtual space
- places can be composed by mixing of physical and virtual spaces.
- the travel-telecom assemblage may itself form a new kind of spatially discontinuous but socially unified place.
- a critique of Edward Casey's views on place versus site
- a general argument against strongly totalizing critiques of today's places
- a philosophical discussion of the interrelations of subjectivity, norms, and history
- Michael Benedikt and Anne Cline's pleas for less complexity, and an architecture that will help us reconnect with fundamental concerns, and with the materiality and mortality of our lives
- some extreme situations that put pressure on the components of my definition of themed places