
Themed places outline

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The entrance to Euro-Disney

  1. Themed places are often condemned as prime examples of contemporary perversions of true place dwelling.
  2. If we use more precise language to describe them, we can discern both positive and negative aspects in themed places.
  3. What a theme is
    1. a normative grammatical unity 
    2. self-presented as self-presented 
    3. self-presented as different from the everyday 
  4. What a theme is not 
  5. Types of themed places
    1. Mono- and multi-themed places
    2. Themes that are already established 
    3. Themes that are self-establishing 
    4. Themes in varying degrees 
  6. All places are liable to being themed, because openness to being themed is inherent in the very conditions that make an area a place.
  7. Criteria for evaluating themed places
  8. Themed places and the question of authenticity.
  9. Theming tends to oversimplify places. That simplification should be resisted.
  10. That resistance can be based on our doubled inhabitation of themed places.
  11. We should not abolish themes; we should make them show themselves as expressly within their more complex context.