1. |
Mapping the Acephale - Attebury, Beaulieu, Dunn, Memmott, Socha; Kathy Acker excerpt from Doom Patrols - Shaviro; Poetry - Litvak; Bread.Crumbs - Memmott |
2. |
Queen Bees and the Hum of the Hive - Guertin; Red Spider / Razor Burn - Pritchett; Poetry - Sutherland; Poetry - Buck |
3. |
Desert Drip - Ace; The Audience - Wolf; Poetry - Ley; Jilt a Romance - Memmott |
4. |
Swarm Poetry Collection - Birbeck, Buck, Homer, Keller, Rothenberg, Sutherland, Tanoury; Abducted - Shaviro; Newsreel 12.11.77 XOX - Boudreaux; Vacuuming with the Dead - Brown |
1. |
Threading the Petrified Glyph - Weishaus; She/It - Parker; Love and Work - Owen; Poetry - Tanoury |
2. |
Logopoetry III - Chaffin; Poetry - Hart; Tint of Descent - Dinsmore; Trimalchio's Diet - Memmott; Poetry - Fein |
3. |
NY/SF Poetry Collection - Degentesh, Feast, Finberg, Foley, Hadjitarkhani, Hardin, Huberman, Kaufman, Kolm, Litzky, Maynard, Meltzer,
Mesmer, Myles, Norse, Ostashevsky, Alan (prohm), Randall, Richman, Rutkowski, Savage, Schein, Snider, Sparrow, Topp, Towers, Trinidad, Vitale, Watson, Wierzbicki; Renovation - Thomson; Silicon Valley Slam Team (on the road) - Foley, Karimi, McGee, Pinate; A Boring Story - Owen; Dorothy Comes to Brentwood - Corcoran |
4. |
McLuhan Reconsidered - Andrews; The Mechanical Ocean - Keily; Location / Seahorse - Strasser; Rocks - White |
5. |
A History of North Beach POetry Readings - Cohen; Sky Scratchez - Mez and Memmott; Skeleton Sky - Guertin; 28 Years in 1000 Words - Morgan |