, Neide Dias de / , Álvaro / PADÍN, Clemente


Os três amigos, através de correspondência eletrônica, relembram e analisam a sintonia ocorrida entre as vanguardas poéticas da Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Uruguai nos anos 60 e início dos anos 70 (séc XX); tempo em que pela primeira vez na América Latina a produção da vanguarda poética andou lado a lado.

Neide Dias de Sá: Artista plástica, poeta visual ( Em 1967 foi fundadora do movimento de vanguarda denominado Poema / Processo onde desenvolveu enorme atividade criativa, editorial e epistolar. Dentro da ação editorial foi uma das fundadoras e responsáveis pelas revistas Ponto 1, Ponto 2, Processo, Vírgula e pelos envelopes Processo 1 e 2 (publicações ligadas ao movimento poema/ processo).

neidsa@centroin.com.br  clepadin@adinet.com.uy

SAIJ, Isabel

NEW WRITING: On arteonline.arq.br


Abstract: Museum of the Essential and Beyond That - mixture of images and texts, ludic interactivity, pleasure, unexpected events.
Needing to be surprised in this garden of labyrinths, looking for my favorite drug: laugh!

Co-Published at: http://www.netartreview.net

http://www.saij-netart.de/            artist@isabelsaij.de

SAIJ, Isabel

NEW WRITING: On arteonline.arq.br  


Resumé: Museum of the Essential and Beyond That - Mélanges de l'image à l'écrit, interactif ludique, plaisir, inattendu, besoin de se faire surprendre dans ce jardin des labyrinthes, à la recherche d'une drogue, et je la préfère : le rire!

Co-édition: http://www.netartreview.net

http://www.saij-netart.de/           artist@isabelsaij.de


Internet Futures

Abstract: Six brief descriptions which outline potential futures of the Internet. They include "living in cyberspace"; a corporate model with pro- prietary software allowing multiple open-tasking applications; the "dis- persed Net" controlling home, office, entertainment, and personal environ- ments; the hacked Net, requiring extensive firewalling and fast intranet development; the institutional Net, for scientific/governmental and other exchanges, including distance education; and the development of intensive Net communities. None of these signal _the_ future; all of them are in continuous interaction. Still, it's interesting to speculate on the feel and phenomenology of the Net a decade or two from now.

Alan Sondheim - video/filmmaker, artist, theorist, net artist. His work has been widely exhibited, performed and published.
