The Sites

Here is a list of the sites where the Mystery might have transpired - these are real places in and around Nottingham.  From this page, you can virtually visit each of the sites, look for the clues which will be hidden on the Web page, share your insight with others, and write the next installment of the mystery.   At the forthcoming Incubation 2 Conference at Nottingham Trent University in July, you may choose to visit these interesting Nottingham attractions!  

Where the M is for Nottingham? Mystery evolves.

Click on Map to Enlarge 

The University  go there to find clues!
The Gardens go there to find clues!
The Galleries of Justice go there to find clues!
Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Pub go there to find clues!
Newstead Abbey go there to find clues!
The Ancient Caves under the City go there to find clues!
Nottingham Castle go there to find clues!
Sherwood Forest go there to find clues!
The Council House and Square go there to find clues!
Green's Mill go there to find clues!
The Great Hall :  Return to the Great Hall  to Discuss the Clues with others and write your account of the Mystery!! Return to the Great Hall

© M.D. Coverley 2002


"the last letter of the 
Name has been written"