My Trip:


2000 B.C.E.

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Although the Magic Millennial CyberCarpet will go anywhere, anytime, I'm going to head this one in the direction of a day in the year 2000 B.C.E. 

I shall choose a country, China, invent a person, give the person a name, gender, clothes, house to live in.  The specific day will start in 2000 B.C.E. and end in 3000 C.E.  Anything might happen while the day progresses.

The story will be:  Pao-Lien and the Cave Dragon, Wu.

dragon2.gif (17196 bytes)

visit this story


Try this yourself at Home or School

You, too, can pick a place, create a character, and time travel for a day on a time/space CyberCarpet adventure. 

I've included lots of links for you to take--where you can find things to write about.  When you have woven your cybercarpet adventure, e-mail me, and I will make a link to it from the this page!

Happy Magic Millennial CyberCarpeting.

e-mail M.D. Coverley

author information

Links to CyberCarpet Ideas for 2000 BCE:

magic_carpet.gif (3644 bytes)

YOur Trip:

Hints and images for some places:




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