cavil - without cavil.

"It is their "unclean" habits in relation to language and manners, as well as supposed tendencies to be inordinately violent that are emphasized." (D) Sounds like a program for a progrom. Conservative enclavement is a collective defence. This could be anywhere.

"Becoming individuated is of gene real contemporary interest to many Japanese." (Da, italics TH) I think I'm turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so. Today though less oppressively hot, my forearms stick to the laminex table top. Flesh will tear. Cicadas. Always the cicadas.
Game two: A vigorous cement water slide. The contestant is in a rubber dingy. At five points along the way the punter must grab and don:
1. a T-shirt
2. a waist girdle
3. the skull cap and wig of a samurai
4. a pair of round spectacles and Hitler moustache
5. a pair of long johns

Every contestant falls - fails - flails.

A picture of
St Francis of Xavier is flashed on the screen. The first christian priest to arrive in Japan. The winner (who does not win) is ¥100,000 richer.
cycledemonstrating patience, concentration and the ability of the subject (contestant) to negotiate electrically charged spaces.

Game showThe object is to draw a line between two electrified rods that together look unremarkably like an alimentary tract. The contestant dons gloves and goggles. The drawing tool is a copper rod. It is long and awkward. Sparks fly when the rod touches the tract. The punter is disqualified.
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