Jim Andrews: concept, programming, design
Jan Odvárko: color-picker
Thanks to Regina Célia Pinto, David Jhave Johnston, Ted Warnell, Maarten van Emden, Christine Wilks of JSArt, and the British and Irish Poets List--especially David Bircumshaw--for feedback during dev.
Aleph Null is my first piece with the new HTML 5 canvas tag which requires no plugins
and works in all modern browsers, including mobile phones. It's exciting to have such a canvas to work/play with in a public
technology that is not at the mercy of a corporation's business plan or its continued existence. Such must be the future
for net art; it isn't feasible to rely on corporations to support tools indefinitely, whereas technologies
developed in the public sphere stand more of a chance of at least achieving their logical growth and form from their
Aleph Null is color music. Colors are tones. Notes are tones. Music is tones moving in time. This is color tones moving in time. It takes practice to tease the really good stuff out of Aleph Null. It's like an instrument that
way. Or a game in which the goal is to experience color music and create visuals you like. Unlike most instruments, Aleph Null will play something whether a person is playing or not. But it benefits immensely by a human player.
Here is a slidvid of Aleph Null stills.
Most of the images are 1920x1080 but the Slidvid software will size the images to fit your browser. Slidvid is a JavaScript
slideshow piece of software I wrote initially to display the images I made with dbCinema,
a graphic synthesizer and langu(im)age processor I wrote in Adobe Director.
Many artists have created works that construct some sort of visual music in which there is no audio. My friend Ted Warnell showed me an interesting book from 1976 yesterday called Artist and Computer, edited by Ruth Leavitt, which has a couple of essays in it by artists doing just that with computer art.
In particular, Ben F. Laposky's work struck me as having relation with Aleph Null. One of his "Oscillons" resembles some Aleph Null graphics. Because Aleph Null also is involved in oscillations of various sorts. The path many of the shapes follow is a non-Euclidy multiplication of exotically phased cosine waves. Opacity also oscillates between maximum and minimum values unique to each color-stop situated along a gradient line or curve. Color also oscillates within the 'color range' value. And the length of the line or curve oscillates between a max and min. And so on. There are many dynamically changing variables in Aleph Null that oscillate within bounds. These oscillations create a complex and curvy visual rhythm of waves of motion, shape, and color.
'Aleph null' is the first and most homely order of infinity. The title refers to the work of
Georg Cantor, the Kandinsky of mathematics, who managed to prove some things worth knowing
about the infinite and designated the first level of the infinite 'aleph null'.
On the PC, Firefox provides the highest framerate. Chrome is second. But Chrome is more stable. Early on in development, I had Aleph Null
running at upwards of 225 frames per second in Firefox. But it crashed my three-year-old computer after several minutes. So I limited the
maximum frames per second to 150. Other browsers on the PC run much slower at 30-60 frames per second. My Android
phone runs Aleph Null at 16 frames per second. It isn't clear to me whether the PC browsers other than Firefox run so
much slower because they are just lazy dogs or because the browser-makers have programmed in regulators that make
it impossible to exceed their relatively low framerate thresholds, thus preventing many a blue screen. Is it a
security issue? What isn't, these days?
A friend reports that Aleph Null performs quite well on the Mac. With her Mac Pro, she was getting framerates of about 100 in Chrome and Safari, and 120+ in Firefox 5 (Beta).
I like running Aleph Null at around 30 frames per second, myself. Coincidentally (or possibly not), that is the speed of video. Framerate changes the feel of the piece, of course. And it seems our perceptual apparatus can comfortably deal with 30-60 frames per second. That is apparently roughly the rhythm of our perception, the number of times we perceive per second.
Creating Aleph Null has been part of a re-tooling process for me. From 1997 to 1999, I created work in DHTML. So I knew JavaScript a bit. But it was a very different beast at that point. The beast is now smarter and better behaved. From 1999 until last year, I used Macromedia Director (now Adobe Director) to create works such as Nio, Arteroids, On Lionel Kearns, A Pen, Jig-Sound, and dbCinema. But HTML 5 seems to be the way of the future. And it looks interesting. So I thought I'd try to learn JavaScript properly.
Toward that end, I read several books such as Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts and Stoyan Stefanov's Object-Oriented JavaScript. And got David Flanagan's excellent reference book called JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. And proceeded to puzzle through those for several months. Maarten van Emden was very helpful and encouraging with my learning of the finer points of JavaScript and some of the larger contexts in which the language is situated, such as its relation to logic programming. Along the way, to put the ideas to practice, I developed a little suite of scripts for windowing in JavaScript. And scripts for creating spin controls, buttons, color pickers, check boxes, and a few other interactive controls. Sometimes using code developed by others, such as in the case of the spin controls and color-pickers.
But Lewis Lacook, an artist-programmer friend of mine, convinced me that I should have a look at jQuery for the windowing and for UI gadgets/widgets like sliders, spin controls, and so on. So I got two more books: Learning jQuery by Jonathan Chaffer and Karl Swedberg, and jQuery UI 1.6 by Dan Wellman. And proceeded to pore over those for a little while.
Additionally, there's the matter of learning how to work with the new HTML 5 canvas tag. There is good documentation online about that, which I've consulted frequently, and David Flanagan wrote Canvas Pocket Reference, which is very useful.
jQuery has proved to be very useful indeed. Particularly in gracefully handling so many menial programming tasks that cross-browser incompatibility issues needlessly complicate to the point of frustation. And jQuery UI is interesting--the sliders in Aleph Null are jQuery UI sliders--but it has some problems that make me think my work on those windowing scripts might be useful after all. For instance, when I tried to use jQuery UI to implement the window you are reading from now, it displayed a bad bug. When one pressed the space key, the whole browser window scrolled up half a page, removing half the canvas from sight. I tried to fix it but couldn't. It was only fixed by removing the jQuery UI dialog window altogether. So I built my own.
Aleph Null is not very sophisticated in the range of canvas commands it marshalls. I've barely scratched the surface of the canvas's possibilities. For me, the larger work of this project has been putting a lot of (for me) new things together.
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