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Thu, 25 Jul 2002 21:36:43 COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT NOTES ON blue velvet THE DAVID LYNCH FILM TRANSCRIBED EXACTLY AS WRITTEN ON A BLUE NOTE PAD WITHOUT INTERPRETATION -- So what do you know about the ear? I don't know much but bits and pieces. I hear things. -- There are opportunities in life for gaining knowledge and experience. -- It sounds like a good daydream, but actually doing it's too strange, too weird. -- That stuff stinks. Oh, this's the new stuff. No smell. -- The blue lady. -- She sings Blue Velvet like a 45 played at 33. -- I don't know if you're a detective or a pervert. Well that's for me to know and you to find out. -- blue eyeshadow, blue robe, chef's knife, bourbon. -- Baby wants Blue Velvet. -- Don't you fucking look at me. -- Do it for Van Gogh. -- See my breast. You can feel it. My nipple, it's getting hard. You can touch it. You can feel it. -- Hit me. -- It's a strange world. -- Sandy's dream of robins. -- Are you allright? No, I'm not. -- I can still feel blue velvet Through my tears -- I'm in the middle of a mystery, and it's all secret. You like mysteries that much? Yuh-hunh. -- Bluer than velvet was the night Softer than satin Were the stars -- The fire -- the beast -- Candy colored clown They call the Sandman -- Let's fuck. I'll fuck anything that moves. -- You're like me. -- I don't want to talk about it. -- The cops were involved. -- So many shades of blue -- that shirt's cerulean. -- I love you. Love me. -- Where? Where's my dream? -- Blue rug, blue paint on the walls, slate blue doors -- Lobotomized cop. Earless man. -- Loveletters straight from my heart. -- I'm gonna let them find you on their own. -- Fuck with me man? -- I can hear your fucking radio you stupid SHIT. -- Where are you? Where ARE you? -- It's all over, Jeffrey. -- Brains on floor. Bulbs out. -- Lunch is ready. -- Sandy's robin. -- The robin is eating a bug. -- It's a strange world, isn't it? -- Repeat start montage. -- Isabella and her boy. -- And I can see blue velvet through my tears. Simon |