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Mon, 22 Jul 2002 03:13:13 BERtomm, Just to SAY, that DARLENE and I got a babysittER to take the KIDS to DISNEY?LAND and finally spen t some time just DEDICATING ourselvEs to screwing with POAISSOIN earlier today. THEN I ASKED HER ABOUT THE FRY COOK and she STORMED out then I got PLASTERED. So anway HONESTY is now IN THE HOUSE. But UKNOW.com WHAT? she came back after and we had a HEART to HEART and what else? THE GREASE fucker was just a fUCk for her nothing ELSE and wello we're WELL. SO DON:t You worRY about me, if fyou were worried. BcEAsUe it's all gonna BE FINE. AND I:M not just LYING so that yiour DOCTORS who probably READ THIS like most ADMINISTRATIVE INTERFEREING FUCKWASDS will from time to TIME don't worry that they SHOULDN;t relase you into my custody. like I would BREAK YOU OUT fo the psych ward and or sommemthing JUST BECAUSE$ I was drunk when I calLED then lest or somethING I trust theytare taking GOOD CARE OF YOU. so is that fucked up that I was still COMPLETELY TURNED ON by my INCREDIBLY HOT WIFE even though I know that she was screwsin g thi s JAMaican dude? That's love, ERnetso