Randy Adams is a Canadian writer and visual artist. Author of the nonfiction book Eternal Prairie, he has also published poetry and essays in several Canadian magazines. For ten years he worked as an arts journalist and travel writer for various publications in his home town of Edmonton, Alberta. His photography and mixed media work has been exhibited and collected by public galleries, museums, and archives. Over the past 15 years, he has been awarded several grants for both writing and photography. In 1997, after a year spent traveling in Asia Minor, he moved to the west coast of Canada and began to work in New Media Arts. Deciding that the Web was a perfect medium for combining text and imagery, he immersed himself in the study of hypertext and computer graphics. His Web art work has been featured in several online publications. He has been an active member of the trAce community since 1999, and was the first writer/artist to be awarded a trAce Writer's Studio. http://trace.ntu.ac.uk/studio/radams/


Linda Carroli is an Australian writer, based in Brisbane. She writes as an essayist, reviewer and arts journalist and has produced several web-based hypertexts. She is Australian Editor of art, science and technology electronic magazine, fineArt forum.







Deena Larsen has been a confirmed hypertext addict (and now electronic literature addict) since before the internet. She has tried various forms of therapy to shake the addiction. Her first works from Eastgate Systems delve into structure, connection, and meaning (Marble Springs, 1993 and Samplers, 1997). Her web works touch on navigational structure and linking (including Disappearing Rain, a novel about vanishing and leaving only an open internet connection behind). She has formed hypertext support groups, including writers workshops. She is working with Helen Whitehead and trAce on the joint trAce/Electronic Literature Organization chats.


Talan Memmott is an artist/writer from San Francisco, California. He is the Creative Director and Editor of the online hypermedia literary journal BeeHive as well as BeeHive's new ebook project - Microtitles. His own hypermedia work has appeared widely on the Internet. In 2001 he was awarded the trAce/Alt-X New Media Writing Award for his work "Lexia to Perplexia", which also received honorable mention for the Electronic Literature Organization's award in fiction. He is a tutor for the trAce Online Writing School, and has been a speaker, panelist, reader and performer at Conferences and Universities






Eryk Salvaggio is an editor of the online literary revolution 1000 Ridiculous Tragedies, at http://www.one38.org. He has also
published a book of poetry.


Duc Thuan is the pen name of a Vietnamese writer, programmer and web developer, Tran Duc Thuan. 26 years of age. His hypermedia works have been appeared in Cauldron and Net, Riding the Meridian, EPC. Most recent international projects participated in year 2000: Jumpin' at the Diner (Riding the Meridian) -- featured the selected works of 40 men doing hypertext/hypermedia around the world. He is currently a curator of "Van Hoc Nghe Thuat phu truong" -- the first Vietnamese e-journal of literary experiments.

His Web.arts: [ http://www.ducthuan.com ].