Faced.less with e.nor.mous dizzYness and Chirping in my ears, I went to see an Otolaryngologist! Who had mutiple tests run to e.liminate the big stuff. But first he looked into my Ears. (See him looking into my Ears? See him?) Thereafter, I had scans of my brain (the computer of the body). I had cold and warm water run through my ear canals (the gryoscope of the body). All was okay!

But the moment of the sword of discovery came when the can.als disclosed to me that they were The organ of sight, not the eYes. The organ of balance determines what the eyes can see.

Henceforth, I became a disorienter! A defamilEYEzer! I decided--as if I could decide anything in terms of my body w.riting!--to accept the Floaters and the Can.ards of my eYes as

"the necessary and terrible cruelty which things can exercise against us." ... And the Laughter that should attend to such cruelty contra to and along side us!

And so I went to an Acupunkturist! for Relief. Not only from the dizzyness but also the Chirping in my ears. An AcuPunkturist! Who stuck pins in my ears. So I could see normally! When I needed to, though I Laughed the Laughtear of the desire for .... Sub Liminaleyezation. Of the w.riting of the body; of the body, w.riting. And sow, I moved closer, yet further to see esse pierce and to VertoV...and became a seemiotician with a movie camEar, became a kino-Eye!