+++the other of my Ear +++
IncreMentally, I developed a pain in the back of my neck, where I had been tilting my head to look at my computer monitor. I had been tilting for months. At first, the pain was like an occasional guest. One day, however, the guest stayed and stayed. And then the dizzyness set in. And then, not being able to navigate my body through my everyday space, I began to fall down.

I had not realized that I had met the Other of my Ear! It would take me some time for that real eye zation. Some time to get used to being the host for this guest that decided to stay.

I always thought the Eye was the organ of the greatest theoretical importance. I was wrong.

For I was to discover that the Ear--the Inner Ear, with its various folds--is the organ of the greatest auricularical (hearing) , not theorectical (seeing), importance. After my tests, I realized we see first with our Ears; and only then with our Eyes.

Eye Have Floaters in my Ears...click.click.click.click.click. MY EYELIDS...click.click.click...sttopppppp!........................