2021-03-01 [20:21:41] Julu Twine: testing is this the way to start with chad input to put something in in this man Testing is this the way to start with Chad input to put something in in this manner and 2021-03-01 [20:22:35] Julu Twine: well here we are one of the things th....ted text transformation into language Well here we are one of the things that I want to do is to try to deconstruct the text as it's appearing in this regard and that means that somehow I have to be able to stop and start the automated textual transformation into the automated text transformation into language for example 2021-03-01 [20:23:12] Julu Twine: Answer now we're beginning to do something else and that means in disregard that we'....ility of doing something like this so and that means in disregard that we're starting to do something else that would be a different form of automated sex year old sex sexual transformation that might be a different sort of sayings and he might be able to imagine it and what can I say except that this is a possibility of doing something like this so at the moment 2021-03-01 [20:23:54] Julu Twine: And now or beginning to take something else in another kind of input is if this text is swallowing itself 12 leaving itself up in order to produce a text that is r....in a kind of format here and so again 2021-03-01 [20:25:01] Julu Twine: Swallowing itself up to produce a text that's following and in a way losing itself and it different kind of format I know there may be people out there watching or listening somewhere in this environment trying to figure out why the voice is coming from nowhere awhile to leutwein is not moving are responding to whoever might be in the vicinity if there is anyone else in the vicinity but this is the way that the text is formulated in order to produce an ongoing discussion with itself that is related through speech to text text back to speech then another speech to text is this as if there's a kind of eruption as if there's a kind of eruption goi....tantly constantly over and over again as if there's a kind of eruption going on constantly constantly over and over again 2021-03-01 [20:26:04] Julu Twine: And another speech to text in another direction that this is moving yet at the moment something is entering hear from real life that I'm not able to --More--(22%) imagine it and what can I say except that this is a possibility of doing something like this so at the moment 2021-03-01 [20:23:54] Julu Twine: And now or beginning to take something else in another kind of input is if this text is swallowing itself 12 leaving itself up in order to produce a text that is r....in a kind of format here and so again 2021-03-01 [20:25:01] Julu Twine: Swallowing itself up to produce a text that's following and in a way losing itself and it different kind of format I know there may be people out there watching or listening somewhere in this environment trying to figure out why the voice is coming from nowhere awhile to leutwein is not moving are responding to whoever might be in the vicinity if there is anyone else in the vicinity but this is the way that the text is formulated in order to produce an ongoing discussion with itself that is related through speech to text text back to speech then another speech to text is this as if there's a kind of eruption as if there's a kind of eruption goi....tantly constantly over and over again as if there's a kind of eruption going on constantly constantly over and over again