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Those masters of conception at Wired have done it again. The people who brought you the 500 Channel Future, the Great Web Wipeout, and the Big Switch to Push this month announce their latest paradigm shift. In a lead article beginning on the back cover of the current issue, senior editors Gary Wolf, Kevin Kelly, and Greg Norman announce a bold change of direction. With high-level interest in information technologies fading fast, Wired reinvents itself as a golf magazine.

"This is really an organic evolution," write the editors, "since golf is the first and highest form of virtual reality. Further, we believe this game is a great metaphor for all technologies and most life experiences. Are you on the green?"

Stock in Wired Ventures, Inc. rose sharply after its initial public offering last week, up 1.15 to close at 39.52. "I have seen the future," said founder Louis Rosetto from the back nine at Augusta, "now I need to work on my handicap."

