When he returns she is sitting
magnificently upon the altar,
chest heaving and a terrific smile upon her face. She opens her lids and there,
just as the manufacturer's manual declared, her eyes burn with two flames,
dancing in and out, slightly singeing her poison green eyebrows.
Saul smiles, saying, "Now remember, those flames feed off of your soul.
"Is there any recommended soul-food which will affect the flames?" she asks, just now getting her breath. "Maybe cockroach?," he says with a weird look and a small belch. They walk back slowly, she touching everything and peering into darkened corners. He darkly watching. "Everything looks so cavernous, so stark and flickering," she says. "The manual -- I really should give you a copy by the way -- says you will soon feel the urge to feast upon the flesh of virgins. This can be overcome with an easily installed plug-in for a, uh, nominal fee." The stairs creak.
"Geraldo Rivera," the MMCS replies. The software on this mission (MMCS-99b03) allows users to select among fifteen female and ten male voice profiles. Di Manes goes with the overwhelming choice all top-rated Q-pilots -- the late, great Barbara Jordan. Think what you will.