speaking about roles

This discussion took place Sept 6, 1999 at a weekly online discussion presented by Trace Online at LinguaMOO.

Helen says, "What are hyper-located extremities?"

MazThing sits on floor to rest her hyper-located extremities.

Helen says, "That's what it's about then?"

Cybele says, "its a notion that we can create a character in this space that doesnt all have to be in the same place at once...for instance I am making creatures for my garden that, might have different parts of themselves in different places."

Helen says, "like a personality spread across the web?"

Sue [to Cybele]: an interesting notion.

Helen says, "or a bot being an extension of oneself?"

Cybele says, "exactly helen."

curiousweaver says, "to cybele is this a reference to collaboration on the moo..different parts of the essential core"

Sue says, "virus?"

entropio says, "I've been thinking about the mapping aspects: that these bots Maz and I have been building contain quasi-essays"

Saada says, "I am not sure, but I think there may be real plants capable of doing that."

Cybele says, "benevolent viri, I call them, sue."

MazThing [to Cybele]: "Do you mean literally different places ie in terms of URL sourcing them or virtual different places?

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