This discussion took place Sept 6, 1999 at a weekly online discussion presented by Trace Online at LinguaMOO.
curiousweaver says, "this medium more readily allow a person to 'get outside
themselves' as you can partake and experience others more appreciatively"
Saada says, "Yes. I would like to hear more on psycho-spatial navigation"
Helen [to Cybele]: "Perhaps joint creation of MOO space?"
Cybele says, "helen I will get to that, Im particularly wondering about the
notion of us together in realtime...what all is possible."
entropio says, "typing as feeling your way around your own psyche?"
entropio says, "I like that idea, but don't think I *get it* properly yet."
Cybele says, "saada, do you know the Situationist idea of the derivÈ, of
drifting thru psycho-geographic space?"
Cybele says, "my thought is that we can create spaces that provoke emotion,
awe, real emotions & move thru them."
Cybele says, "well psycho-geography is simply that topology has a psyche which can be
experienced on non-verbal levels, in ways that cant be put in words."
MazThing muses upon topology has a psyche.
entropio wonders about limits of words. Was brought up to leave that taxt
colonises all.
Saada says, "but is it only the individual typing who does this non-verbal
exploring or are somehow the emotions transferred throught e verbal typing to
curiousweaver is thinking hard.
MazThing says, "Topology certainly has an effect upon the story, the telling
the describing. That's fundamental even in a printed book - you just have more
option in a MOO or hypertext"
Helen wonders if there's a dummies' guide to topology/psychogeography.
entropio wonders about limits of words. Was brought up to leave that text
colonises all.
MazThing [to Cybele]: "A fair bit of head scratching......deep thought etc"
Cybele says, "text colonizes all? now there's a thot."
entropio says, "art students hate that"
MazThing laughs.
curiousweaver says, "but isn't the word colonise a negative one?"
entropio says, "yes"
MazThing [to entropio]: "Even on the web, people may love the visuals but most
places they go they go to get the stuff that's in the words"
Cybele says, "one could substitute organize without all the implications."
Helen says, "What are hyper-located extremities?"
entropio says, "with the ubiquity of textual terms like discourse, colonise is
probably right, though"