This discussion took place Sept 6, 1999 at a weekly online discussion presented by Trace Online at LinguaMOO.
Cybele says, "jan this is all intimately related."
MazThing says, "but I am interested in this idea of organisms breeding within
the Multiverse Garden..."
Cybele says, "definitely that would be an act of programming."
MazThing says, "I am very new to this, but does this fit with the concept of
other classes from other moos etc"
Cybele says, "there are other kinds of robots & objects that people have
created which we can copy into here."
Cybele says, "for instance the markov-chaining robots who learn to speak based
on remembering conversations its had."
MazThing says, "I have read, I think, that organisms inherit from parents,
presumably creators can then I understand?"
Jan [to MazThing]: all MOOs are derived from LambdaMOO so at the core they are
all the same...but each MOO tend to evolve functions you can find one place may not be the same another place"
Cybele says, "& crossbreeding is possible."
Cybele says, "I think the key with this slide is overcoming the learning curve. collectively, maybe with little sessions with people of varios
Jan says, "The Xpress GUI for example can only be found in MOOs that were built
on the enCore extension of LambdaMOO"