"... try everything you can imagine ..."

-- Jessy Randall

Jessy recommends these online literary links.


"It's imperative to save often. You'll be killed many times until you find
objects that will help ..."
--Uninvited spoiler at www.cheatsearch.com

You open the lamp
first twisting the faucet
so the water carries you up

into a secret passageway,
above the ceiling
to find your brother

the walls of the garden maze
identical, hard-edged, like

you must change everything
take everything with you
try everything you can imagine

your brother waits

___ -- Jessy Randall

--An earlier version of this poem was published as part of the online chapbook, Dorothy Surrenders, by 2River.

In college, Jessy Randall wasted at least sixty hours of her life playing the 1991 video game Uninvited. Now she curates the women's history collection at the Library Company of Philadelphia. This spring, she is getting married.

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