Circle of Fifths

You came into the kitchen with your enormous wheel. Was it real, or did the air just continually vibrate a nuance?

Sometimes, I said, to meet you underneath the imaginary river, vacant lot or implied path.

Open the difficult such and suches and begin to use the letter opener to open letters.


If you collect all the putty from these false sculptures, mold
it in your hand, what is this house that begins to form?

-as it was never used, you enter.

So quickly after the initial ring, the phone let down a flourish, was it rain?

Whisper: "Was it reality based?"

-traced around a bigger man whose life falls underneath the tracks.


One night I dreamt I bought you perfect shoes,
not the ones that you could fit, but the ones
that would fit you, and it was me, I was your
perfect shoes, we tried me on and it was miraculous,
you stood before me perfect and strong, & ran
& ran & ran as if you were undetermined again, through
devilish fields of inquiry, all the way to the moon.


I was literally beginning to seem, what they had once said would happen end to

end, but instead became the literal form which all land traced, all time

inhibited, so what was left to ponder but the finished spaces.


Sum total of thoughts, sum total of investigations, sum total of irrational fixtures, sum total of cobwebs, sum total of injuries, sum total of dispositions, sum total of numbers, sum total of summers.

the room tucked under blankets

I imagined the hardness, like you took a hammer to an egg, but can't recall so much the hardness. I was too busy writing soft things + recall peering through mirrors = lonely water poured off roof states like Vermont, California, darkness, state of numbness.

Excellently painted your bowl with explicit colors of your name, with well water and wrote until there was a stalemate­only this tiny list of occurrences.

-- Dan Machlin

[the work] [diner] [dialogue] [theory & practice] [opportunities] [archives] Volume Two, # Two ©1999 - 2000