Domestic Ambient Noise/Moise


6 For a fuller description of a contemporary 'trashing' see Bruce Sterling The Hacker Crackdown (Viking, UK, 1992) p 210.

7 Charles Dickens Hard Times (Penguin Pop Classics, 1994) p 101

8 Jack Flam (ed) Robert Smithson : The Collected Writings (University of California Press, 1996) pp. 74

9 'What defines desiring-machines is precisely their capacity for an unlimited number of connections, in every sense and in all directions' Semiotext(e), New York. Vol II, No 3, 1977. Deleuze and Guattari later changed this term to the more neutral one of 'assemblage'.

10 Brian Massumi A user's guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia (MIT, 1992) p82