<Script Language="...">
<!-- Begin
var character = S_____;
var pause = 0;
var position = anywhere;
var time = 15;
function ate() {
// setting
var S_____, lunch, dinner = rice, hamburger, fried chicken, beef steak, apple,
orange, cream pie;
// increasing food
calorie = (500.each) x 7;
for(calorie needed <= 2000; S_____++) food+="3500 calories"+food;
// body shape
S_____ had more calories than h[is]er body needed = gain.weight(the redundant calories
would be stored as fat -- 'Which is bad,' S_____ thought);
// feeling
if(ashamed++ == losing self-esteem.S_____ wasn't on diet) [re]solution = would
stop eating lunch next time;
// result
after all = S_____ couldn't resist to eat when see[sniff]ing food ("ate()", felt defeated &
self-disgusted x 1000);
function vomited() {
// going to bathroom
if(!index finger stimulated nausea) {
throwUp(potassium level went down --> heart muscles couldn't function well);
self-disgusted = 0;
// continue eating
else {
pause = 0;
//End -->
S_____ died a year later when h[is]er heart refused to beat once.