<Script Language="...">

<!-- Begin

sortIdentities = 1; //Automatically sort identities within Duc Thuan and i (1 or 0?)

function believe_In_God(Jesus, Buddha) {
for(Duc Thuan; religion = Jesus.catholic.church; pray every night) {
for(myself.contrast[i].selected && Buddha.contrast[i].value != "Buddhism") {
Jesus.philosophy[forgiveness, love].value = yes;
Buddha.philosophy[mercy, The Middle Way].value = yes;
options.religious[books].text = "...";
His[Duc Thuan's] god(Jesus);
if (sortIdentities) my god(Buddha);

function sex(Duc Thuan/myself) {
for(Duc Thuan; ID = bisexual guy.macho.muscle) {
for(myself.contrast[i].ID != "homosexual guy") {
Duc Thuan.mate[loves a woman].status = single.chooses[undecided +/- else].value;
myself.mate[loves a man like Duc Thuan].status = single.chooses[Duc Thuan +/- else].value;

function writing() {
Duc Thuan = he's a writer();
myself = his protagonist();
for(what he writes, i [myself] am the very first person who would love to read) {
his work(s) = hyper.media[especially];
for(Duc Thuan = a liar; often overconstructs a character.often overimagines or even lies about my life; +/-) {
for(myself = (x+1); don't know why he [Duc Thuan] keeps doing it; but i like his works; +/-) {
if(myself[i].didn't exist ==> this[Duc Thuan's] fiction.would have not been born) {
he tells me[i].only me[i].his imaginations.visually;
i[myself] then.put them down on a paper.textually;
//Duc Thuan can't write

[i]dentity #1 = religion;
[i]dentity #2 = sex;
[i]dentity #3 = writing;

//End -->
