I first met X, it was addicted to the act of lying to others about the
fact it didn't lie.
When I first met Y, they were add[Attention: Deficiency: Disorder]icted to the act[or] of lying [in this bed, bed full of word crumbs, stumbling conversational shards leading to a forelorn/gone conclusion] to others about the fact[ory floor were they worked, 18 hr days full of smoke filled machinic hums and black smoke gouts filling their lungs] they didn't lie [under the couch clutching their head full of beating bird wings as if falling from a great height].
I first meet Zed, she is add[or minus attraction into the equation, make
a story about a girl rejected in her childhood by all and sundry]icted
to the act[one scene two: the girl grows slowly and learns to hold and
break everything she touches] of lying [on her back and thinking of a geographical
place she refuses to believe in] to others [that hate as much as she, bark
orders and twist her head further into black] about the fact she didn't
[want to stroke her skin or stop her lust for red] lie.
When I first [thirst for] meat Zead, I am add[led of egg and broke of heart]icted to the act[ive states of blood] of lying [inner pool of] to others about the fact[itive stance is ending] I don't lie [here anymore].