give me one miniscule and blinding fragment of your life

"What I meant was 'I fold space''"

"Fold space."

"Here’s the stick, here’s the spur for encouragement Here’s a crack, here’s a flaw, here’s the savior. Know the fire, know the flame, know the burn. We cannot bear to be a witness."

"I slept with hope, and upon awakening found a corpse in my arms."

"It's gone long way since it began, and now I no longer need to know hows and whys, the meaning of life. I just hope into the abyss that someday, something will make me realize that I'm not alone."
Fr Doombody

"And then you touched me
My soul clamored to reach out to you
Pain, pleasure,
I laughed in ecstacy"

"It's gone long way since it began, and now I no longer need to know hows and whys, the meaning of life. I just hope into the abyss that someday, something will make me realize that I'm not alone."
Fr Doombody

"an element of silence, a piece of the night life, all i have is the faces of beautiful strangers passing me in between fog and lights. It is the twilight between dreaming and waking and the solitude amongst the masses that I live for. Prosper music."
Tobias Blue

"Clarity. Complete clarity. Nothing more. Perfect vision. Ultimate sense. I understand everything. I know everyone....bliss...."
Noseless Face

"Defile is much smoother than derasp."
Chaplin IM False KSC

"neosporin on a desk shelf"

"i still can feel the pulsing, where there is emptiness now...the mirror version of myself...does that make our love mastrubation?? every thing i try to say comes out the wrong it ends up that i don't have to say the things i want to hear...he _says_ them and i think thats the most terrifing of all"

"I look into their eyes and I love them. Who the fuck made the rule that you have to choose?"
Jedi Night

"I calculated all the variables very carefully, and saw... 42!"

"watching lips. words pouring out... then no words. just lips. lovely fingers. i want."

"I looked around one day... and I saw."


"It took one sentence to rend every good memory I had that moment, reality smacked me in the ass, and dreams ceased to be"

Mr Eff

"i opened my eyes once... but only for a little bit, because i was scared that if i kept them open too long the world would blink for me..."

"Don't tell anyone. Because if you do, I will kill you."

"I always wondered where we were going. Then I realized: it's better for them if I don't know, because that way I won't fight until I get there."
Dark Juliet

"and i never wanted."


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