Just one short moment of impact. A cessation, transfiguration-reset-beginanew of all, a morphogenesis of two into one, flesh and flesh into one great

So driven by chemicals my body screams out to yours, every nerve questing every muscle tensed, every instinct trying desperately to convince me that it is the same for you across this expanse eternal divide three inches four miles someone else's lifetime and your skin step one and just another portal significant hurdle significant form of lines curves colors warmth smell lust lust lust and fear intimidation

some k(no)w better

pretty-boy takes a pavement dive for you, laugh

artfag sells his soul for you, laugh

Mister Ivory-Tower-America '98 wallows in filth for you, laugh

You become the hermit's dis-ease and you laugh, become the demigod's gravity and you laugh, the seeker's distraction the devil's redemption the mirror's distortion the mask shatters the libido exposed and you laugh

Saving your soul for the price of twenty-thousand nerve-endings crying out with unstoppable need, you cry

(don't be afraid)

(fear is all I have)