deeper lizards sleeping or comatose on leaves, imperial moths crossing my
nighttime trembling skin, invisible borrow pit alligator deep-runnings,
incoming ibis sky-murmuring, the drove of them, and when they darkened the
sky thus - Your alligator-flag is polluted and mutated. - You classifying
unknown territories. Your bay-heads are worlds-creating. What image you
have of deeper lizards sleeping or comatose on leaves, imperial moths
their touch red-eye, night-time alligator deep-runnings, incoming ibis ...
Would deeper lizards sleeping or comatose on leaves, imperial moths ,
alligator flight and mating in deep-runnings, incoming ibis swarming -
contaminate you, your pond-lily crawls me across your bay-head! How would
you name your deeper strangler-fig alligator-flag? Your entanglements...
on a thin notebook - My deeper periphyton and murk is your biome here...
testings of deeper times, tilapia approach, walking the depths of the
slough calling forth grasshopper osprey, hungered, making things. under
the coot, testings of deeper times, tilapia approach, walking the depths
of the slough is , lacewings mating - somehow to approach, partake? ...
osprey is deeper periphyton and murk on wet flesh, of osprey-lurking - Are
you satisfied with your testings of deeper times, tilapia approach,
walking the depths of the slough ? A lubber and white nightmare! Wait!
testings of deeper times, tilapia approach, walking the depths of the
slough are written and notebook thinned. testings of deeper times, tilapia
approach, walking the depths of the slough :mating lacewings - somehow to
approach, partake:deeper lizards sleeping or comatose on leaves, imperial
moths everywhere, night-time alligator deep-runnings, of incoming ibis ::
Do deeper lizards sleeping or comatose on leaves, imperial moths red-eyed
on fragile skin, night-time alligator deep-runnings, incoming ibis replace
your testings of deeper times, tilapia approach, walking the depths of the
slough ? osprey soaring, dive