the knowledge, experiencing of the knowledge

what recedes, becoming, not knowledge, but implicate, implicated, tacit. my boundaries, body, disappear, absent themselves, among the thickets. worlding wheels on virtual axes; id and ego merge mute. what was real and had become symbolic now recedes into the imaginary and real. skin and masquerade become one; abjection diffuses among bodies, waters, earths, islands, hammocks. enunciation is always a problem increasingly distant as one silences, the report long gone, having been written, distributed, critiqued, absorbed, discarded. those series or skeins have no place here; evanescent, they're already exhausted by consciousness and defuge. the leaving that is left is an accompaniment, future inhabitation of memory or visitation, minding, mindful. no longer the distance of the approach or proximity of withdrawal, but only translucency, transparency on rare occasion. imagining the glades, but not without myself diffused, laminar, here and there, the skitter.
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