--Dub Statement
captured by Mantissa at Feedhorn N.96; 1995

The Recording Angels

"The background has become the backbone--
all that Sound and Fury signifies EVERYTHING!"
--Mantis at Dub Site in Prague; 1997

With the advent of Personal Digital Accessories (PADs) in the mid nineties, it was possible for developing Eco-Dubbers to house raw material on the fly and in the field. These 'Digital Hoovers' worked in unison to capture all imagery on public display in a given week, and put it online for disburse-ment. Areas of life which were previously taken for granted became 'prime-time' Eco-Dub fare. Reporting on the latest situation in bookstores, for example, a team armed with scanner and video-camera could cover an average store: titles, displays, shoppers, cashier transactions, selected texts and blurbs, in little over fifteen minutes.

Using portable scanners, digital cameras, library lines, electronic pencils, these young, freaked-out human tape-recorders sucked-in
and digitally ingested
everything that
screamed out
the NOW.

Panties, Condoms, diaphragms, cock-rings --
those little 'fuck-cams' revealed
the most pornographic images we ever saw--
that's what led to the FCC crackdowns.

Teams of 'Darters' surreptitiously mounted microcams on subway cars, high-heels, make-up compacts, overnight bags, wristwatches, riding crops; any spot surface that could offer immediate 'hot feed'. Innovative launch-sites included a contact lens, sushi knife and Congressman's pen. People, places and habits never seen before were suddenly on electronic display providing the 'raw data' Eco-Dubbers have become notorious for using

Documenterrorists corrupted wholesale goods with sequin-sized cameras called 'Crocodile Eyes'. Disguised within materials, these wireless lenses were assembled into products by unwitting factory workers, and attached with front row centre view to dildoes, cocaine spoons, bibles and women's underwear. The so-called 'in-situ disclosers' feed the Dub Streams for the whole of their reporting life, which in some instances lasts but a few frantic moments. Using pattern recognition techniques and a baseball cap infested with dub-bugs, Anarchivists determined that the number of cars a pedestrian encounters during a 20 minute walk about London averages around 500 per minute.

Each 'report' yielded much previously missing story--
everything from the 'three day passing' of a 16oz steak
to the fuck habits of a high-school teacher.

"All times and places exist
under electric conditions...
We call it nostalgic."

      --Bob's Church of The Subgenius