Brad will understand. Brad will fix my Black Russian
the way I like it. Brad will listen. Brad respects me
Simon doesn't know, he doesn't know
No clue whatsoever
They could sleep, drunk, they can sleep
The Chinese. They can't sleep
What can I do? I mean
If I want to help the kids
We have to survive as a business
If I want to help their grandkids
We go under
Under. Get it? Got it. Good. No more contracts
But that won't help. Dupont will step in
What do I do? I work for.. the government, basically
We're so close, I need to make a decision
Death Star
Almost there, come on
Mr. Sandman, come to me
And the cold war is over
That Johnny Werd. We can't have someone like that
having access to the building
A dreamer, romantic
We're so close now too
Had to fire the Asians
Have to hold out. We have something
And even though we can't test it, we have the computers
to prove it
I hope you'll forgive me, but I'm doing my job
How much error, and how big? How to adjust it? Increase
the blast radius, render precision irrelevant
Deadline's too soon
Simon couldn't understand
Doesn't have that kind of responsibility to family,
sense of order
If it wasn't for the military-industrial complex,
terrorism would be rampant
Don't they feel it? It's actually necessary to hold
those people back, those insane men with their psychopathic dreams
and their strange gods, to keep them from turning the world into a
And taking it out on me, when I'm the one keeping
the roof over their head
Work somewhere else
Thank god he doesn't know
It's a goddamned monster we're making
He shouldn't know that. The knowledge would crush
His imagination would shortcircuit leaving him lackadaisical
What was it
Now there's Vietnamese and
Indian blood on my hands
What kind of sick mind thinks that way
Did someone write that on a memo
Or did
The sheep are dying of poison in the field. They
are too weak to jump. I can't sleep
I'm going in to work