Noah Wardrip-Fruin writes for and about new media. He has recently edited two books -- The New Media Reader (with Nick Montfort, 2003) and First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game (with Pat Harrigan, 2004), both from MIT Press. His new media writing has been presented by the Whitney and Guggenheim museums.

Robert Coover has been teaching creative digital media workshops since 1990, when the first pioneer hyperfiction workshop was launched. His newest digital project is the Cave Writing Workshop and his newest book is Stepmother, to be published by McSweeney's in May 2004.

Josh Carroll is the founder and president of Jeyo, Inc., a software
firm that specializes in development for mobile devices. He is currently pursuing degrees in English and political science at Brown University.

Scott Rettberg teaches New Media Studies at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. He is the co-founder of the Electronic Literature Organization and the coauthor of the Unknown, a hypertext novel, and Implementation, a sticker novel.

Jill Walker is a new media teacher and researcher at the University of Bergen, Norway. In addition to being an avid weblogger and researcher of networked communications, she's a critic specializing in electronic literature and art.

Read the Interview with Noah Wardrip-Fruin

Introduction - Cavewriting

Interview - Part One

Interview - Part Two

Interview - Part Three

Michelle Higa is an artist and technologist who creates interactive video installations. She is currently serving as an Editor-in-Chief for CHAISE, a DVD magazine featuring emerging artists. She graduated from Brown University with honors in Art: Semiotics.

Download Quicktime movies of Screen

Screen Profile: LoFi (10MB) | HiFi (73MB)

Full video: LoFi (20MB) | HiFi (130MB)

Wardrip-Fruin's collaborators on Screen are Josh Carroll, Robert Coover, Shawn Greenlee, and Andrew McClain

Voice credits for full video: Thalia Field, Benjamin Finkel, Lowry Marshall, and Roger Mayer





This work has been partially modified by the Electronic Literature Lab in February 2025. Video files have been converted into mp4 where possible.