Jay David Bolter is Wesley Professor of New Media and Director of the Center for New Media Research and Education in the Department of Literature, Communication and Culture at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He co-created Storyspace, a hypertextual computer program, with Michael Joyce and John B. Smith. Bolter is the author of several influential works on the subject of computers, culture, and media literacy including Remediation: Understanding New Media (1999), co-authored with Richard Grusin, and most recently, Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency (2003), co-authored with Diane Gromala. His website is http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~bolter/.

Diane Gromala teaches in the graduate program in Information Design and Technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology where she is an Associate Professor in the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture. She is also on faculty in the Graphics Visualization and Usability Center as well as an adjunct faculty member in Industrial Design. Her scholarly work is informed by her practice as both artist and designer. Her website is http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~gromala/.

David Silver is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication and the founder of the Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies at the University of Washington.

Kelly McLaughlin is both a PhD candidate in American Studies and an MFA candidate in Intermedia and Video Art at the University of Iowa. She is co-curator of an exhibit on new media art and language to be held at the University of Iowa's Museum of Art in 2006. Her website is http://kellymclaughlin.org

Read Remediating War: An interview with Jay David Bolter by David Silver



Read Kelly McLaughlin's review of Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency, by Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala.